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We believe that to change a neighborhood for the better, then we must nurture it's greatest asset: <strong><em>The Family.</em></strong> </p> </div> <div class="post-stream one"> <h1 class="headingtext"><a href="http://babyu.soupmode.com/14/why-baby-u">Why Baby U?</a></h1> <p>At Baby U, parents learn:</p> <ul> <li>How to make reading to their children a fun, bonding time that builds literacy skills.</li> <li>How to bond with their children at all ages.</li> <li>How to meet their children's needs with empathy.</li> <li>How to build their children's self-esteem.</li> <li>Effective tools for loving discipline.</li> <li>Effective ways to reverse the education gap.</li> <li>Realistic expectations for children for each stage of development.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="post-stream one"> <h1 class="headingtext"><a href="http://babyu.soupmode.com/18/how-baby-u-works">How Baby U Works</a></h1> <p> It's more than just a <em>class.</em> </p> <p> For 10 consecutive Saturdays, parents learn how to be their children's biggest cheerleaders. </p> <p> We use a group setting to discuss recent research and to provide advice for many parental issues, including discipline, stress management, home safety, and health. </p> <span class="greytext"><a href="http://babyu.soupmode.com/18/how-baby-u-works">Continue reading >></a></span> </div> <div class="post-stream one"> <h1 class="headingtext"><a href="http://babyu.soupmode.com/19/more-baby-u-perks">More Baby U Perks</a></h1> <ul> <li>Every week that parents attend class, they receive a package of free diapers.</li> <li>Weekly gift card drawings.</li> <li>$50 gift card for attending all sessions and “Graduating “from Baby University.</li> <li>Transportation is provided to and from class.</li> <li>Free Breakfast and Lunch on class days.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="post-stream one"> <h1 class="headingtext"><a href="http://babyu.soupmode.com/29/why-parents-matter">Why Parents Matter</a></h1> <p> Parents have the greatest impact on their children's lives. The first three years of a child's life are a time of rapid brain development and learning. </p> <p> This time becomes critically important for infants and toddlers as they develop the foundations for learning. </p> <p> Baby University helps parents give their children the greatest gift of all: <strong>engaging with their children's lives.</strong> </p> <span class="greytext"><a href="http://babyu.soupmode.com/29/why-parents-matter">Continue reading >></a></span> </div> <div class="post-stream one"> <h1 class="headingtext"><a href="http://babyu.soupmode.com/13/why-neighborhoods-matter">Why Neighborhoods Matter</a></h1> <p> Children from low-income neighborhoods enter Kindergarten 60 percent behind in learning development compared to their middle-class counterparts. </p> <p> The school dropout rate for children from low-income neighborhoods is five-times greater than students who reside in higher-income neighborhoods. </p> <p> Research shows that children are more successful in school if they are read to at least 15 minutes a day, disciplined in effective and loving ways, and provided quality health care. </p> <span class="greytext"><a href="http://babyu.soupmode.com/13/why-neighborhoods-matter">Continue reading >></a></span></span> </div> <div class="post-stream one"> <h1 class="headingtext"><a href="http://babyu.soupmode.com/30/quotes-from-baby-u-graduates">Quotes from Baby U Graduates</a></h1> <ul> <li>"This class was so much fun and educational , thank you!"</li> <li>"I have more patience now, listening to my kids."</li> <li>"My expectations for my children have changed. I am more relaxed now."</li> <li>"I make more family time for my kids now."</li> <li>"I learned how to understand and listen to my children."</li> </ul> <span class="greytext"><a href="http://babyu.soupmode.com/30/quotes-from-baby-u-graduates">Continue reading >></a></span> </div> <div class="post-stream one"> <h1 class="headingtext"><a href="http://babyu.soupmode.com/24/how-to-signup">How to Sign-up</a></h1> <p> You can register for Baby University by calling 419-855-2516. </p> <p> A Parent Advocate will take your information and secure a spot in the class for you. </p> </div> </div> <!-- closing id=content --> <br /> <footer> <div> © 2015 <a href="http://babyu.soupmode.com"><strong>BabyU</strong></a> <!-- - --> </div> </footer> </body> </html> From JR's : articles 729 words - 6742 chars - 4 min read created on Mar 12, 2015 at 08:24:37 pm - # source - versions