2 min Test-forecastio-1.pl test-forecastio-1.pl # perl #!/usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; $|++; BEGIN { unshift @INC, "../lib"; } use Weather::ForecastIO; print "Executing program: $0\n\n"; my $api_key = "<api key>"; my $latitude = "41.665556"; my $longitude = "-83.575278"; my $forecast = ForecastIO->new($api_key, $latitude, $longitude); # change url for testing $forecast->api_url("http://testurl/jsoncopy.txt"); # $forecast->api_url( $forecast->api_url . ",2012-07-11T12:00:00-0400" ); # download json data and convert to perl hash $forecast->fetch_data; # or don't change api_url and use different fetch command with date and time arg # $forecast->fetch_data_for_date("2012-07-11T12:00:00-0400"); my $currently = $forecast->currently; print $currently->temperature . "\n"; my @alerts = $forecast->alerts; if ( @alerts ) { foreach my $a ( @alerts ) { print " alert = " . $a->alert_title . "\n"; print " uri = " . $a->alert_uri . "\n"; print " expires = " . $a->alert_expires . "\n\n"; print " fmt dt = " . ForecastIOUtils::format_date($a->alert_expires) . "\n\n"; } } else { print "\n all clear. no alerts.\n"; } my @hourly = $forecast->hourly; if ( @hourly ) { foreach my $h ( @hourly ) { print ForecastIOUtils::format_date( $h->time ) . " : test = " . $h->sunsetTime . " : icon = " . $h->icon . " : temp = " . ForecastIOUtils::round($h->temperature) . " : precip intenity = " . $h->precipIntensity . " : pressure = " . ForecastIOUtils::millibars_to_inches($h->pressure) . " in. " . " : wind direction = " . ForecastIOUtils::degrees_to_cardinal($h->windBearing) . # " : wind speed = " . $h->windSpeed . " mph " . " : wind speed = " . ForecastIOUtils::round($h->windSpeed) . " mph " . "\n"; } } my @minutely = $forecast->minutely; if ( @minutely ) { foreach my $m ( @minutely ) { print ForecastIOUtils::format_date( $m->time ) . " : " . $m->precipIntensity . "\n"; } } my @daily = $forecast->daily; if ( @daily ) { foreach my $d ( @daily ) { print ForecastIOUtils::format_date( $d->time ) . " : " . $d->icon . "\n"; } } print "\n\n offset = " . $forecast->offset . "\n"; print "\n timezone = " . $forecast->timezone . "\n"; print "\n hourly summary = " . $forecast->hourlysummary . "\n"; print "\n daily summary = " . $forecast->dailysummary . "\n"; print "\n minutely summary = " . $forecast->minutelysummary . "\n"; print "\n Current date time in default format: " . ForecastIOUtils::format_date() . "\n"; print "\n Current date time format arg: " . ForecastIOUtils::format_date(0, "(12hr):(0min) (a.p.) - (dayfullname), (monthfullname) (daynum), (yearfull)") . "\n"; # have to provide zero for epoch to use current time From JR's : articles 406 words - 2795 chars - 2 min read created on Jul 14, 2013 at 06:43:13 pm import date 2013-08-12 21:50:59 - # source - versions