2 min

Tree branch and downed wire approx timeline

sat, jun 27, 2015

  • we arrived home at around 3:10 p.m. and saw a medium-sized tree branch resting on our driveway apron. the fallen branch pulled the electrical wire from the east side of our house. we still had power. the wire stretched across our front lawn. the wire started to rise a few inches above the public sidewalk as the wire was still attached to the pole at the street. the wire was kind of low over the street but cars could drive under it.
  • around 3:15 p.m., we reported the incident to Toledo Edison.
  • at about 4:00 p.m., a TPD officer parked his car in the street, east of the wire, to block traffic.
  • i spoke with the officer a few times, offered him food and drink. he used our bathroom at one point.
  • around 5:40 p.m., a Toledo Edison employee stopped out in her car to survey the issue and call it in. she placed their version of caution tape across around trees on both sides of the street to act as a road block in case the police officer needed to leave for a call.
  • around 11:00 p.m., the police officer was replaced by someone on the next shift who parked who patrol car at the west side of the wire. the new officer added caution tape on both sides of the downed wire to prevent people from walking through our yard and our neighbor's yard. people could walk on the sidewalk on the other side of the street.

sun, jun 28, 2015

  • around 2:00 a.m., city street crews stopped out to erect wooden road blocks and road closed signs at both sides of the affected wire. at that point, the police officer left because of the road blocks.
  • at 7:45 a.m., a Toledo Edison employee visited to survey the situation and provide info to us. He said that TE would come out later and turn our power off. Then we would have to hire an electrician who would attach the bracket that holds the wire back to our house. I could probably do that task. It appears like a simple issue. After the bracket is re-attached, then TE will come back and turn the power on. The guy said that some electricians can turn the power back on though. I didn't think to ask if an electrician can turn the power off.
  • at around 11:45 a.m., tree removal crews stopped out to survey the site, but since the branch was small to mid-sized and something that I could easily saw up with a hand saw, they had no work. Plus, the downed branch and twigs were being used to hold one end of the caution tape. This tree removal crew worked mainly on downed trees and large branches. They removed a toppled tree earlier this morning. The one guy said TE was quite busy.
  • as of 12:15 p.m., we don't know when TE will visit.
  • http://outages.firstenergycorp.com/oh.html
    • Affected Customers: 3,964
    • Last Updated: Jun 28, 12:17 PM

From JR's : articles
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