2 min

Tt post oct 9 2015

Thanks for the update, Chris.

The lawyer humorously writes in the cease and desist letter :

Your defamatory statements have already damaged Mr. Hickey’s good name and reputation ...

I think that Hickey damaged his own alleged good name and reputation.

Hickey's reprimand did not come from a blog post. It came from the school board.

The Board has found that your behavior toward district staff members, including the extent and volume of your communications, were perceived as overly personal, as well as inappropriate and intentionally intimidating. Your repeated display of lack of judgment and inappropriate interpersonal interactions over a significant period of time has jeopardized your leadership of the District, and for which you are hereby reprimanded.

You must use better judgment in your interactions with, and comments to, staff members. You must avoid any communication or action which might be perceived, in any way, as too personal, inappropriate, forward, or flirtatious; you must exercise even more caution if you must communicate with a staff member in a private setting or manner.

You must never make comments or take actions which might be perceived as intimidating or threatening.


Are you referring to this part of the reprimand?

You must never make comments or take actions which might be perceived as intimidating or threatening.

Even though the above sentence was its own paragraph, that directive may only apply to Hickey's interactions with school employees. It may not apply to Hickey's interactions with anyone else.

The WLS Board would need to explain their intent with that paragraph. The paragraphs before and after used the phrase "staff members."

I suppose that it's possible that other parts of the reprimand could be interpreted in multiple ways.

Always conduct yourself in a manner which is consistent with conduct expected of a superintendent of the Washington Local Schools. Stay well within the parameters of the Licensure Code of Professional Conduct for Ohio Educators, Board policies, administrative guidelines, and the directives of this letter.

There is to be no retaliation against any persons who raised concerns, any staff members, or this Board or any of its members, for this letter of reprimand. Your conduct following receipt of this letter, including any social media posts -- professional or personal -- or discussions with community members or others, must demonstrate your highest character.

Implied, inferred. Sounds like work for lawyers.

From JR's : articles
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