1 min

Tt post nov 18 2015 - c


"Whoever created that site appears to have blacked out most people's addresses & contact information. Yet they left Jeremy's out there. Pretty disgusting ..."

mom2, Toledo's editorializing artist EconCat88 would probably agree with you. It's uncouth to incite the deranged social media mob to hunt down a private citizen. Such actions might be called Virtual Terrorism.

EconCat88 is Toledo’s biggest bully and #1 enemy number.

The part that bothers me the most is he’s doing all this damage anonymously; he is cowardly hiding behind a screen name.

He won’t be able to for much longer.

EconCat88 is a real-life masked villain. I think it is time for his fellow residents to learn of his true identity. My plan is to act like a wrestler during the 1980’s and remove his mask; I want to Scooby Doo him.

I am offering a cash bounty for any information leading to the true identity of YouTuber EconCat88. The sum of $1, yes one dollar, will be paid to the person(s) who divulges any knowledge leading to the unmasking of Toledo’s Biggest Bully.

Since he wants to be Toledo’s biggest YouTube star, then it’s citizens have the right [???] to know whom he really is.

I want every resident to know whom and to where to send their thanks, praise and adulation. [???]

Mr. EconCat88; if you wish to remain anonymous, I strongly suggest deleting your YouTube videos and page. Unlike the Toledo Blade, I will proudly post who you are and where you lay that hat.

If you have any information that will help expose the identity of EconCat88, please email me

From JR's : articles
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