1 min

Tt mar 19 b


Mar 19, 2016 - Toledo Blade - Strip club’s latest moniker has Mud Hens crying foul

The Toledo Mud Hens are exploring legal action after the former Scores strip club on Monroe Street recently changed its name to the Hen House.

Neither the Mud Hens nor the strip club appear to hold an active trademark on “Henhouse” or “Hen House,” according to records from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

... a judge could rule against the venue because of the legal doctrine known as initial interest confusion.

A manager at the Hen House strip club referred questions to Toledo attorney Bruce Boerst.

"The [Hen House] owners don’t understand why the Mud Hens are so angry by it,” he said. “They’re claiming they have trademark and name rights when the reality is the [Hen House owners] did the due diligence and they own the name. While the place might not sit well with the owners of the Mud Hens, my client stands firm that their club is a form of expression.”

It's ballet.

June 2005 - Toledo Talk - Muddy bullies coffee company

The coffee company is called Mudhen Espresso Inc. The word 'mudhen' is the nickname for a bird called the American Coot.

In the corresponding Detroit Free Press story, the coffee company founder said:

"The Toledo Mud Hens do not own the name to the bird, just like the St. Louis Cardinals don't own the cardinal and the Detroit Tigers don't own the tiger. Consumers are smarter than that."

Also from that 2005 story:

The minor league team filed a trademark-infringement lawsuit Tuesday against Mudhen Espresso Inc., saying the company's name and logo could confuse both coffee consumers and baseball fans.

The Michigan-based drive-thru coffee kiosk company changed its name to Mudslingers.


From JR's : articles
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