3 min

Tt post mar 22 2016

"They aren't widening all of Douglas are they ?"

Douglas Road will be widened between Laskey Rd and Sylvania Ave.

Since last summer, much of that section of Douglas Road has been under construction for other issues.

The widening project occurs from April to December of this year.

Here are excerpts from a March 7-9, 2016 memo (pdf file), distributed by city officials about a public meeting that was held in that area last evening, which I did not attend.

The City of Toledo will be reconstructing Douglas Road, from Sylvania to Laskey, in 2016.

Schedule: Roadway Construction: April 2016 - Dec 2016

Major Public Impact: One-way traffic on Douglas Road. Temporary closures of major intersections. Noise and dust during construction.

Background: Douglas Road, from Sylvania to Laskey, will be undergoing a complete reconstruction and widening this year starting in April with an expected completion in December.

Project Description: Roadway project will include full-depth reconstruction and 4 foot widening on both [sides] of Douglas Road, from Sylvania to Laskey, replacement of all curbs, pedestrian ramps, and driveway approaches, and construction of 6 foot wide attached sidewalks on each side of Douglas Road.

The estimated construction cost is $5,750,000 for the roadway improvements funded by City Capital Improvements Fund (Matches and Planning), ODOT Safety Funds and TMACOG STP funds.

No assessments or fees to property owners

Regarding bicycle lanes being built or not built alongside reconstructed roads, that might be a question for TMACOG.

In March 2007, I attended one of TMACOG's public meetings where the org presented its latest transportation plan.

I don't recall the word "lane" being used much if at all. The word "path" seemed to get mentioned more when discussing bicycling. I would prefer lane as a way to travel on a bicycle.

Over the last nine years, I think that Toledo has added more bike paths, but how many miles of bike lanes have been built, since 2007?

Some excerpts from my notes:

Bike Path Connectivity Study — Study key destination connections (schools, developments, parks, points of interest) with bike/ped trails and paths.

Education campaign on Funding Needs, Part 1 — Local transportation stakeholders must educate policy makers and local tax payers on the lack of adequate resources for maintenance and improvement of the current system (all modes - highway, transit, seaway, rail, air, pedestrian/bikeway) and the disproportionate inflation in material and other costs for maintenance, construction, and operation of the system that has eroded the buying power of current funding. This requires a consistent and factual message.

Develop a regional safe routes to school program addressing ped/bike routes, funding, infrastructure, etc. [addresses concerns of TMACOG Ped School Survey]

Which will come first: Toledo being bicycle-friendly or Toledo having a light rail, people-transport system? This slide discussed high speed rail.

From my notes:

Light rail

During the question and answer period, an attendee wondered why more of the region would not have light rail.

Answer from TMACOG:

  • It's not feasible to cover the entire region with light rail due to our land use practices. No changes in the Ohio legislature are expected that will govern how we use or development land. In other words, we're continuing to spread further and further outward. No containment borders are expected that would control how we expand.

From JR's : articles
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