2 min

Tt post mar 23 2016 a

"I love the idea of UT's Law School moving downtown ..."

This idea has been around for over 10 years.

Excerpts from my June 2005 new urbanism meeting notes

About 40 people attended Tuesday's meeting at Downtown Latte, which has been hosting the meetings on the last Tuesday of each month for about a year now. At the meeting were Bill Carroll, Keith Wilkowski, Frank Szollisi, Ford Weber, business owners, members of special interest groups, people affiliated with Toledo GROWS, and curious residents from different parts of Toledo.

It was said that one of our greatest assets is the University of Toledo. It's landlocked. Need to find a way to connect UT with downtown Toledo. Get more students downtown like in Ann Arbor and Bowling Green.

It was suggested that the UT Law School be moved downtown, and have UT play their sports in a downtown arena. If UT trustees aren't interested, then get new trustees. It's a public university. UT receives taxpayer dollars. UT should be more open to being a part of Toledo's downtown growth.

One at the meeting spoke with a trustee or trustees, and he believes UT has a suburban attitude and desires to keep its world on campus.

The arts and UT. Apparently, UT would like more studio space concentrated in an area such as Monroe St downtown.

Light rail mentioned as a possible form of public transportation like what's used in Dublin. It would be a way to connect UT to downtown. Also suggested that TARTA do more.

March 19, 2006 - Toledo Blade - UT could move law school near downtown ballpark

August 18, 2008 - Toledo Blade - Downtown site for University of Toledo law school resurfaces

In 2014, the Blade wanted Owens Community College to open a campus in downtown Toledo. Marcy Kaptur supported the idea. What happened to that grand suggestion?

Why not increase Owens’ presence in downtown Toledo? Most recently, these voices have included The Blade, editorially, and Rep. Marcy Kaptur.

Notice that Owens CC was not expressing interest in downtown Toledo.

And I think that UT has never expressed serious interest in moving its law school to downtown Toledo.

The Blade wants others to move to downtown Toledo while in 2014, The Blade announced that it would close its production facility, located in downtown Toledo.

I wish the Blade editorial board would stay focused on more important issues.

"I think UT should move its law school to Northwood Ohio."

In May, a business that employs over 100 people will move from Northwood to downtown Toledo. They will reside in the tall glass building that has the missing tooth. I never remember the name of that building. 5/3 building or OI building.

From JR's : articles
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