1 min

Tt post apr 1 2016

"They have extra patrols on the road and only pull over drivers who are breaking the law ..."

I don't understand. If Circle Toledo is so great, then why doesn't this exist all the time? It seems more like a power-trip by people with guns.

June 2015 13abc story about a Circle Toledo event.

The effort began at 6 p.m. Friday and continued through 6 a.m. Saturday.

Participating agencies cooperated to produce the following results during the 12-hour enforcement effort:

  • 12 Impaired drivers were arrested (OVI Arrests)
  • 207 Total Vehicles were stopped
  • 26 Seat Belt citations were issued [thank frigging God these terrorists were cited]
  • 122 Other citations were issued

“CIRCLE TOLEDO” is a 12 hour OVI enforcement effort, with over thirty police agencies throughout the Toledo Metropolitan area. Included are agencies from Wood, Lucas and Fulton counties, as well as Monroe County.

The goal of “CIRCLE TOLEDO” is to increase public awareness [yeah, right] of the dangers of drinking and driving, as well as to remove impaired drivers.

Thu, Mar 31, 2016 Sentinel-Tribune story about tonight's altruistic Circle Toledo program:

The Ohio State Highway Patrol announced that the 31st Annual “Circle Toledo” OVI enforcement effort is scheduled for Friday. This event will begin at 6 p.m. and continue through 6 a.m. on Saturday.

“Circle Toledo” is a 12-hour OVI enforcement effort of over 30 police agencies surrounding the Toledo area. Included are agencies from Wood, Lucas and Fulton counties, as well as Monroe County, Michigan.

The goal of “Circle Toledo” is to increase public awareness [yeah, right again] of the dangers of drinking and driving and to remove impaired drivers from the roadways.

The goobermint makes these hard sacrifices because they care about us.

Unrelated, but anytime is a good time to mention the three rules of government :

  • First rule: Assume citizens are stupid.
  • Second rule: Pass legislation to protect citizens from themselves.
  • Third rule: Assume all citizens are criminals.

From JR's : articles
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