You're viewing old version number 9. - Current version
1 min
Installing Wren
Make appropriate DNS changes for the domain name or subdomain name.
Then on the server:
- cd /home
- mkdir 'dirname'
- cd 'dirname'
- mkdir sessionids
- mkdir markup
- git clone http:// (Wren repo)
- mkdir Wren/root/versions
- cd Wren/yaml
- edit yaml config file accordingly
- cd Wren/lib/Shared
- edit and modify variable that stores the location of the YAML file.
- cd Wren/root/javascript/splitscreen
- edit splitscreen.js and change the cookie prefix info if the cookie prefix value was changed in the YAML file. look for "getCookie" function.
- if necessary, modify images in Wren/root/images
- if the above images were changed, then cd into Wren/tmpl and modify the templates "header.tmpl" and "customarticle.tmpl".
- modify "loginform.tmpl" to change the URL for "form.css". should not need to do this. correct in main repo.
- cd into Wren/nginx
- cp -i wren-nginx.config /etc/nginx/sites-available/[]
- cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
- modify the nginx config file accordingly.
- ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/config-file /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/config-file
- service nginx restart
- cd /home
- chown -R user:group 'dirname' created at step two above.
- cp Wren/json/links.json Wren/root
- visit and enter email address stored in YAML file.
- check email for login activation link and click link.
- then visit and post away
From JR's : articles
186 words - 1410 chars
- 1 min read
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