3 min

Copying content to sawv.org

august 2017 - sawv.org became the new home and it will replace boghop.com

yet another personal website. this one will host a subset of all my web postings that i have made since 2001. it would be great if ONE site could host it ALL. i would like jothut to be that site.

boghop will host mainly words and images that i created about all topics for all locations. it won't be toledo-area specific like how i envisioned maketoledo.com, which i never finished.

roadmap. the locations or content that i need to cull:

  • both hypermart sites from approx 2001-2004. the html files are stored on dvd.
  • blogger/blogspot sites from the middle aughts.
  • maketoledo.com which culled from some of the above and toledotalk through the summer of 2008
  • toledotalk.com after the summer of 2008 to approx early 2013.
  • jothut.com from approx early 2013 to the present day. starting at some point in 2013, nearly everything that i posted at toledotalk.com, i copied to jothut.com
  • cull posts from my niche sites: crochet.soupmode.com, waxwing.soupmode.com, toledowinter.com, birdbrainsbrewing.com. i don't need every weather-related post. i don't need every birdwatching post.
  • try to cull posts from archive.org that i created for the oybc website. i should have spidered that site to save the content that i created. when the bsbo created a new version of that site, for some reason they removed access to all of the old content. i would like to save some of the field trip reports that i created.
  • go back through toledotalk.com (old and new versions) from jan 2003 to the summer of 2008, looking for posts that would apply to boghop.com that i left out of maketoledo.com.
  • go through photos that i uploaded to the toledtalk flickr account from 2004 to approx 2014 or 2015
  • at some point, i made the flickr account for jothut my main image storage location. therefore, cull photos from this account since 2014 or 2015 that would apply to boghop.
  • cull photos from my iphone that i began using in june 2014.
  • someday, go through photos that i have stored on dvds that i took with my digital cameras, starting in 2004 and i never uploaded to flickr.
  • i have probably a dozen sd cards loaded with photos that i have never downloaded and saved to dvd. go through these photos too.
  • and some year possibly i could go through my dozens of small notebooks, dating back to the late 1990s, at least, and maybe make web posts from some of those notes.
  • maybe cull posts from archive.org from my other forums: toledoarts.com and stupidjocks.com

Proposed Copying Order

  1. [X] - birdbrainsbrewing.com - started sep 15, 2016 and completed page one. finished copying on sep 19, 2016.
  2. [X] - crochet.soupmode.com - <http://boghop.com/2016/09/19/notes.html> completed on sep 13, 2017
  3. [X] - blogger/blogspot sites from the middle aughts - completed in september 2017
  4. dad.soupmode.com
  5. wren.soupmode.com - some of the posts
  6. [X] - toledowinter.com - completed in october 9, 2017
  7. [X] - maketoledo.com - completed in october 9, 2017
  8. ?? grebe.soupmode.com
  9. ?? scaup.soupmode.com
  10. old toledotalk.com - comments and thread posts
  11. jothut.com
  12. new toledotalk.com - comments, thread posts, and articles
  13. both hypermart sites from approx 2001-2004
  14. try to cull posts from archive.org that i created for the oybc website
  15. waxwing.soupmode.com
  16. photos at toledotalk flickr
  17. photos at jothut flickr
  18. photos on my iphone
  19. DD's photos from our recent travels
  20. photos backed up on dvds
  21. photos still on sd cards
  22. notes from my notebooks back to the late 1990s
  23. anything else that i think of

copying junco content to wren.


select id, parentid, parentauthorid, title, type, status from junco_content where parentid=0 and type='b' and status in ('o','s') order by id desc;

select id, parentid, title, type, status, replycount from junco_content where status='o' and type='m' order by id asc;

if replycount for a post is greater than zero, then ...
select id, parentid, title, type, status, replycount from junco_content where status='o' and type='m' and parentid=25 order by id asc;

group the original note with parentid=0 and all of its replies into one article post.

notes that have a replycount=0 can be grouped with similar one-off notes in one article post for the day or week or whatever.

From JR's : articles
695 words - 4250 chars - 3 min read
created on
updated on - #
source - versions

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