• 2 Reds
• 2 Blues
• 1 Green
• 2 to 4 Conv colors/mixes
• 1 Convenience mix
• One other possibility
• Chuck Long Palette
• Charles Evans Palette
• Crawshaw vs Stutler Palettes
• Cathy Johnson Palette
• John Muir Laws
• Ed
• secondary palette
• More Secondary Palette Info
• Maimeri Blu Artist Watercolors Kit
You're viewing old version number 4. - Current version
Possible Lineup of 8 to 10 colors for a limited watercolor palette
Influenced by some palettes listed below.
1 Yellow
[X] light to medium yellow
- DS hansa yellow medium - PY97
- cadmium yellow - PY35
medium orange yellow
- DS nickel azomethine yellow - PY150
- WN Transparent Yellow - PY150
- DS hansa yellow deep - PY65
- DS nickel azomethine yellow - PY150
- DS nickel dioxine yellow - PY153
^Could see using the orange-yellow if only one yellow exists on a six color palette. But if yellow ochre exists, then use the lighter yellow.
2 Reds
[X] orange-red - cadmium red/scarlet or whatever is - PR108
[X] purple-red - Permanent Rose - PV19
or whatever is PR122
2 Blues
[X] red-blue - French Ultramarine - PB29
[X] green-blue - Phthalo Blue Green Shade - PB15:3
or Cobalt Blue - PB28
or Cerulean Blue - PB 35
1 Green
[X] yellow-green - pure pigment - whatever is PG36
usually phthalo green Yellow Shade
or WN Winsor Green Yellow Shade
OR a convenience green mix, such as:
- Hooker's Green
- or Sap Green
2 to 4 Conv colors/mixes
[X] burnt sienna - PR101
[X] yellow ochre - PY43
[X] raw umber - PBr7
1 Convenience mix
[X] payne's grey
or neutral tint
both usually consists of some combination of blue, black, violet.
One other possibility
From Chuck Long's 10-color palette
dioxazine violet (PV23)
Chuck Long Palette
cadmium yellow (PY35)
burnt sienna (PBr7)
cadmium scarlet (PR108)
alizarin crimson (PR83)
dioxazine violet (PV23)
ultramarine blue (PB29)
phthalocyanine blue RS (PB15:1)
cerulean blue (PB35)
sap green [hue]
payne's gray [hue]
Charles Evans Palette
Alizarin Crimson - PR83
Ultramarine Blue - PB29
Cobalt Blue - PB28
Hooker's Green - PG36, PO49
Yellow Ocre - PY43
Burnt Sienna - PR101
Light Red - PR102
Raw Umber - PBr7
Crawshaw vs Stutler Palettes
Cadmium Yellow ---- Transparent Yellow (PY97)
Cadmium Red ---- Cadmium Red Deep (PR108)
Alizarin Crimson ---- Permanent Rose (PV19)
Ultramarine ---- Ultramarine Deep (PB29)
Cerulean Blue ---- Peacock Blue (PB17)
Hooker's Green ---- Bamboo Green (PG36)
Yellow Ochre ---- Burnt Sienna (PBr7)
Cathy Johnson Palette
Ultramarine Blue
Permanent Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red (though some avoid the cadmiums for safety reasons)
Hansa Yellow Light (or Cadmium Yellow Light)
Hansa Yellow Medium.
Conv colors
Raw Sienna
Burnt Sienna
Yellow Ochre
Burnt Umber
Payne's Gray.
John Muir Laws
Winsor Yellow
Quinacridone Gold
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Quinacridone Magenta
Winsor Violet Dioxazine
Cobalt Blue
Phthalo Blue
Sap Green
Perylene Green
Burnt Umber
Neutral Tint
Raw Umber - PBr7
Quinacridone Gold - PO49
Hansa Yellow Medium - PY97
French Ultramarine - PB29
Winsor Blue (Green Shade) - PB15
Permanent Rose - PV19
-- Daniel Smith Winsor Blue (GS) option: Phthalo Blue GS (PB15) - intense blue
-- Daniel Smith Permanent Rose option: Quinacridone Red (PV19)
secondary palette
nickel azomethine yellow (PY150)
cadmium scarlet (PR108)
quinacridone magenta (PR122)
ultramarine blue (PB29)
phthalocyanine blue GS (PB15:3)
phthalocyanine green YS (PG36)
More Secondary Palette Info
Secondary Colors and Paints. We end up with three secondary colors: red orange (ro), green (g), and blue violet (bv).
This six color secondary palette is a classic (and classy) minimal paint selection. To take it for a test drive, I suggest you try the following six paints (again, click on the pigment color index name to identify the paint marketing names used by different manufacturers):
• primary light yellow : benzimidazolone yellow (PY154) or hansa yellow medium (PY97)
• secondary red orange : pyrrole orange (PO73) or cadmium scarlet (PR108)
• primary magenta : quinacridone magenta (PR122) or quinacridone rose ("permanent rose", PV19)
• secondary blue violet : ultramarine blue (PB29) or cobalt blue deep (PB73)
• primary cyan : phthalocyanine blue GS (PB15) or phthalocyanine cyan (PB17)
• secondary blue green : phthalocyanine green BS (PG7) or phthalocyanine green YS (PG36); the best color match to magenta falls between these two greens.
These six paints provide a substantial increase in mixing power over the three paints in a primary palette, specifically in the intensity or purity of the most saturated mixed hues, as the following color mixing comparison makes plain.
Maimeri Blu Artist Watercolors Kit
- 6 color set -
Permanent Yellow Lemon,
Raw Sienna,
Primary Red - Magenta,
Permanent Green Deep,
Ultramarine Light, and
Burnt Umber
h2. Paint Info
W&N Cadmium Red - PR108
W&N Hooker's Green - PG36, PO49
W&N Winsor Green (Yellow Shade) - PG36
W&N Yellow Ochre - PY43
W&N Transparent Yellow - PY150 is brighter/lighter than DS Nickel Azo Yellow
W&N Light Red - PR102
W&N Burnt Sienna - PR101
DS Opera-Pink (PR122) - bright red-purple-pink more pinkish-purple than perm rose (pv19).
-- DS says: "The most vivid of all pinks. A primary magenta with a hint of fluorescent pink granulation producing some of the most brilliant glowing mixes you have ever seen."
DS Burnt Sienna - PBr7 - transparent to semi-transparent
DS Light Red - PR101 - opaque
DS Venetian Red (PR101) - opaque
DS Cobalt Blue - PB28
DS Hooker's Green - PG36 PY3 PO49
DS Phthalo Green YS - PG36
DS Yellow Ochre - PY43
DS Raw Sienna - PBr7
DS Pyrrol Red (PR254) - semi transparent - orange-red - similar to cadmium
DS Pyrrol Scarlet (PR255) - semi transparent - bright orange-red - similar to cadmium
DS Azo Yellow (PY 151) - brilliant, sunny and bright
DS Nickel Azo Yellow (PY150) is darker yellow than I expected but secondary palette says py150 is an orange yellow along with:
py65 (DS hansa yellow deep),
py108 (DS anthrapyrimidine yellow),
py153 (DS nickel dioxine yellow),
Most Yellow Ochres are opaque, but Daniel Smith's is transparent
- 936 words
- updated:
- versions
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