1 min

Tt post mar 22, 2017 b


"The Recorder moved to a new system a while back. I have never gotten Silverlight, which the new site requires, to work properly in most browsers. It seems to work OK in Internet Explorer though."

Silverlight is or was a Microsoft product.


Microsoft Silverlight is a free web-browser plug-in that enables interactive media experiences, rich business applications and immersive mobile apps.

Windows? Check. Mac? Check. Linux? Check. Silverlight works on all major OS's plus all major browsers, including Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and yes, Internet Explorer.

I know little about Microsoft products. I don't use them directly. I'll defer to others about Silverlight, but I thought that was an outdated technology.

This Toledo Talk thread marks the first time in a long time where I have encountered the word "Silverlight".

Here's the Silverlight blog. The last post was dated August 2012.


The Wikipedia page may or may not provide useful info.


Microsoft Silverlight is a deprecated [citation needed] application framework for writing and running rich Internet applications, similar to Adobe Flash.

Microsoft announced the end of life of Silverlight 5 in 2012.

In 2013, Microsoft announced that they had ceased development of Silverlight except for patches and bugfixes. [citation needed]

Microsoft has set the support end date for Silverlight 5 to be October 2021.

Silverlight is no longer supported in Google Chrome since September 2015, and in Firefox since March 2016.

Since Microsoft Edge does not support plugins, it also does not support Silverlight.

Again, I'll let people familiar with Microsoft products confirm what's listed in the Silverlight Wikipedia page.

If the info is true, then a local political entity has installed a "new" system that requires software that most modern browsers cannot execute.

From JR's : articles
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