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2 min

Tt post - jun 12 2017 - a

That stretch of westbound I-475 between the split and Douglas Rd must be one of the most dangerous roadways in the state of Ohio to require the services of the Barney Fife safety brigade.

"It's not a money grab issue, not a safety issue, not a PHH issue, not a political issue, not a "fill-in-the-blank issue" it's simply a "you simply need to obey the posted speed limit" issue."

Money collected from traffic enforcement cameras is listed in the budget as revenue. The city expects a minimum amount of money from these cameras to keep the budget balanced. It's not bonus money for the rainy day fund.

Recently, the mayor referenced this revenue stream and called it good news. Good news? It's bad news because it indicates the number of dangerous drivers on our roadways. PH2 should have produced a public service announcement, reminding drivers to think of the children and drive slower.

Since it's expected revenue in the budget, then it's obviously a money grab. If nobody drove dangerously, then we would have a multi-million dollar budget hole that would have to be made up somewhere.

The increase in the sneaky police activity began only a year or so ago. If this kind of "policing" had been occurring since the 1980s, then fine. No biggie.

But why the sudden increase in this kind of shoddy police work in only the past year? Does it have anything to do with the state's and courts' decisions, regarding the stationary traffic enforcement cameras?

Since the mayor creates the budget, and city council approves it, and since money from traffic cameras is expected revenue, and if the money from the stationary cameras got eliminated or reduced, then obviously, the mayor or city government gave the police department the order to put humans on the roads with handheld cameras.

The police may not want to participate in this scam, but they could be ordered to do it by the mayor. The city's needs this revenue for the general fund, ironically, to help pay the salaries of police officers.

The city is relying on dangerous driving.
It's definitely not a safety issue.
Buy it is a money grab.
It is a mayoral issue.
It is a city council issue.
It is a scam.

It's a dry, sunny, summer morning. How slippery is westbound 475 between the split and Douglas Rd? How low is the visibility this morning due rain, snow, fog, or a forest fire? It's morning, westbound, therefore the sun cannot be blamed.

How about these dedicated coppers place their asses along the roadways when it's dark and snowing or pouring rain or foggy and the road and driving conditions are not good enough to be driving the speed limit, let along well above the limit? Then their so-called police work would be about safety.

From JR's : articles
471 words - 2713 chars - 2 min read
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