Search Results For “Tag:redis” - # - rss

JR: Nginx and Redis - March 2016 - need to recompile nginx in order to install the redis module. the default install of nginx contains the memcached module. HN discussion about caching servers. more>> 3 min read
- Mar 30, 2016 - #redis #nginx #go

JR: Memcached vs Redis - Oct 21, 2014 Obviously, that depends upon usage. Redis can be used for multiple purposes while Memcached seems to be focused on one basic but important function. Currently, I'm using or testing both as simple cache stores for individual article pag... more>> 2 min read
- Oct 21, 2014 - #redis #memcached #caching

JR: Nginx and Redis - Fall 2014 - apt-get install redis-server took ... more>> 4 min read
- Oct 17, 2014 - #blogging #redis #cache #scalability

JR: Http caching - oct 2, 2014 - re-reading and studying: more>>
- Oct 02, 2014 - #caching #redis #memcached

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