article archive - 09/2017 - all archives

JR: Tt post sep 7, 2017 - Toledo should pitch, anyway. It's good exercise for city leaders to ensure that their promotions are current, and who knows, maybe Amazon remembers Toledo for something else in the future. They'll keep our resume on file. I'm not saying that this Ja... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 07, 2017

JR: Apparently, Iran will attack Florida - (Everyone makes mistakes.) What did we do to Iran? I visited the CNN website, shortly after Noon today, and I learned that the country of Iran was about to attack Florida. In my opinion, a hurricane watch is an odd warning system for an impending ... more>>
- Sep 07, 2017

JR: Tt post sep 6, 2017 - "If calling Tom a Nazi lover is wrong, then so is calling Wade a racist." In my opinion, a noticeable difference exists between the two. First, I don't know anything about the Fred and Wade issue, but Fred is a radio host, and the other is the Lu... more>> 2 min read
- Sep 06, 2017

JR: Tt post setp 5, 2017 - d - In the Yvonne Harper Order-gate thread, a small side-discussion formed about other political candidates. I did not want to hijack that thread further. My comment below is related to comments in that thread that are found here, here, and here. "... more>> 7 min read
- Sep 05, 2017

JR: Proposed tt post sep 5, 2017 - version two - "... endorsements don't mean strings are attached, in all cases." Referring again to the 2015 Yvonne thread that pointed to a Blade editorial titled No rubber stamp In filling two key vacancies, City Council members must answer to citizens, not pa... more>> 5 min read
- Sep 05, 2017

JR: Proposed tt post sep 5, 2017 - version one - "... endorsements don't mean strings are attached, in all cases." Mmm. By "cases", do you mean "cities"? It's theoretically possible that endorsements in other cities mean nothing, but we're discussing Toledo, Ohio. Referring again to the 2015 th... more>> 6 min read
- Sep 05, 2017

JR: Tt post sep 5, 2017 - b - "In other news-You have 2 outstanding young candidates this year for the at large slots-Sam Melden and Nick Komives. Let's work on getting some fresh blood in there." Unfortunately, both of those candidates sought and/or accepted the endorsement fro... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 05, 2017

JR: Tt post sep 5, 2017 - Excerpts from the above thread and from the Feb 2015 thread Yvonne's observations about others: Yvonne replied with "what grade are you in, high school or grade school?" Yvonne proceeded to say stuff along the lines of "you're all unintelligent" ... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 05, 2017

JR: Tt post sep 4, 2017 - "I think people like Randy Oostra and Joe Napoli who are actually making positive things happen in this town are likely having some influence on JRB and how the paper is approaching local issues." If true, that's disturbing. In theory, a newspaper ... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 04, 2017

JR: Sep 4 2017 - The winds have died down. It's still raining very hard. Thus far, our weather remained below severe criteria. It's not like the June 2008 storm, but it reminded me of that when this evening's storm got started with the big wind gusts and the horizont... more>>
- Sep 04, 2017

JR: We need a concept to eat well - "This will just be another concept. I'm hearing "natural, farm-to-table local comfort food" ..." Sounds scrump. It's a throwback to living in the first half of the 20th century when many rural and small-town folk ate that way most of the year wit... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 02, 2017

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