1 min

Doughnut crossed with a croissant

The latest pastry fad that's sweeping the nation. Cronuts is a trademarked term used by a bakery in New York City. I guess some places call them kronuts.


(My comments below were posted in a November 2013 thread at ToledoTalk.com)

Good timing. Today, I stumbled across this story from the summer.

All this fuss about the Cronut, the new Frankenpastry that is half croissant, half doughnut. It’s delectably cream-filled and flakily layered.

The Andersons sells cronuts. Two kinds: glazed and filled (Black Forest) with cherry stuff. I bought the glazed. I liked it better than a doughnut, but the cronut is more expensive, probably due to how it's made. For the price, I would buy a muffin.

And in my opinion, the cronut doesn't match up with the champion pastry around here: the paczki. Haas Bakery on Starr Ave in Oregon, that's my hunting spot during paczki season.

One paczki probably weighs the same as a dozen cronuts. Need to be careful here with this cronut thing. This could be some kind of health freak, huckster way to eliminate real pastries.

The kiosk inside The Andersons on Talmadge spells it with a 'C' - Cronuts. I guess the store should be warned.

They could change the spelling to Crownuts.

Or how about this name

Pansy-ass Cronut pastry. I mean really. You're telling me that a manufacturing town in farm country is going to tolerate shit like this? This might be fine in Columbus or Sissynnati but not in a rail freight, Great Lakes port city like T-town that loves hockey. I now deny eating one. It's embarrassing. It's the lingerie of doughnuts.

We want something that lingers inside the body for months after consumption. Here in the Rust Belt, we eat these small boulders. The Carhartt of doughnuts. But why aren't they available year-round? Is it a death-toll thing? We have enough frigging hospitals and medical centers around here to support a large-scale consumption of paczkis. It's a real pastry when an errant toss can cause a concussion. These could be fired from a cannon.

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