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We don't need cable and satellite TV
I watched last Sunday's Eagles-Cowboys game just fine on WNWO, using a TV with an over-the-air antenna. We're able to watch enough NFL and PBS that we don't need cable nor satellite TV. The rest of our limited TV viewing is done with Roku or DvDs. For us, it makes no sense to have cable/satellite TV, mostly because we don't have the time nor the interest in watching (wasting time) that much television.
I am more interested in watching dough rise, like I'm doing now with my pizza dough.
"NBC programming wise ... have really liked The Blacklist."
We like James Spader, so we also watch the show The Blacklist ... on Hulu Plus. So I know the show as Hulu programming. Hulu does contain tiny commercials, but the ads are nowhere near as annoying as what's displayed on normal TV.
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