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JR: Tt post sun feb 21 2016 - Sunday afternoon, Feb 21, 2016 tweet by Ryan Wichman: Can't stand these websites and fake forecasters who exploit people. All they do is post big snow totals/tornado threats to scare people. That's funny coming from someone in TV media who are t... more>> 1 min read
- Feb 21, 2016 - #tv #media #moronism #weather #toledo

JR: Tt post jan 16 2016 - Jan 13, 2016 WaPo story about ESPN. A survey of 1,582 consumers commissioned last week by BTIG Research found that 56 percent of respondents would remove ESPN and ESPN2 from their cable packages to save $8 per month, which is about the cost cable... more>> 1 min read
- Jan 16, 2016 - #sports #media #tv #business

JR: Tt proposed post jan 9, 2016 - "There is still something to be said for convenience." Convenience, lower cost, options, and lack of commercials are some reasons why we don't have cable. Nothing inconvenient about our setup. When I want over-the-air channels, I press a button. Eve... more>> 2 min read
- Jan 09, 2016 - #media #tv #internet

JR: Tt post jan 7 2016 b - "I understand Hulu allows you to see current programming on channels, maybe a day late?" True, at least for some current shows, but Hulu Plus also shows old TV programs, such as Seinfeld. And older HBO shows, such as The Sopranos and The Newsroom, ... more>> 2 min read
- Jan 07, 2016 - #tv #home

JR: Tt post jan 7, 2016 - I watch The Wire over Amazon Prime. That's about all the help that I can provide. We use Roku to stream TV over the internet. The only "shows" that I watch on regularly-scheduled television is the NFL and the Create channel, and I watch both over-t... more>>
- Jan 07, 2016 - #tv #home

JR: The Wire - The Wire - Funny Moments The Wire - Omar testifies against Bird The Wire - The Ruthless Chris Partlow The Wire Brother Mouzone shoots Cheese #tv - #video
- Dec 23, 2015

JR: NFL streaming a game in October 2015 - We got a glimpse of the future of watching football on Sunday morning. Some day, streaming services not cable, not satellite will probably be the way we watch everything. On Sunday, with the Bills-Jaguars game in London streaming on Yahoo, we got a... more>> 1 min read
- Oct 26, 2015 - #nfl #tv #video #internet #technology

JR: Local newspapers 'broadcast' over Roku - Aug 18, 2015 - Columbia Journalism Review - How local papers are looking over the top as part of a new model for video They are video news clips out of Beaver County, population 170,000, just outside Pittsburgh along the Ohio border, but theres som... more>> 3 min read
- Aug 19, 2015 - #media #podcast #writing #tv #video

JR: TV and Internet Connection Thoughts - May 4, 2015 - my tt comment in this thread: CatLady, we share a couple similarities. " is my internet provider." has been our internet service provider since at least the late 1990s. "My TV is from 1993 and still works great ..." Our ... more>> 1 min read
- May 04, 2015 - #internet #tv #technology #home

JR: TV viewing update - October 2014 - Our TV is too old to receive the digital signal, and I never obtained a converter box. No cable and no satellite TV, so it's just Roku and DVDs for us. Or even better, we don't watch much TV at all anymore. I watch movie DVDs when walking on the ... more>> 2 min read
- Oct 08, 2014 - #tv #internet #sports #football

JR: U.S. vs Portugal - Sun, Jun 22, 2014 - World Cup Soccer TV Ratings - Jun 24, 2014 - NY Times - Bigger Than Baseball: 25 Million Watch U.S.-Portugal World Cup Match - "TV Ratings in U.S.-Portugal Tie Show World Cups Draw" With an audience of 25 million viewers for Sundays game between the United States and Portuga... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #sports #soccer #tv #blog_jr

JR: Block Communications disconnects WNWO from Buckeye Cable - Block Com owns the Toledo Blade newspaper Dec 17, 2013 tweet by WNWO news anchor Angi Gonzalez Here's the proof #theblade is has hit a new low - attacking ppl w/ no say in buckeye/sinclair negotiations! The middle... more>>
- Jan 15, 2014 - #theblade #cable #tv #business #media #moronism #blog_jr

JR: We don't need cable and satellite TV - ( my Jan 1, 2014 comments in a thread about the dispute between Block Communications and WNWO ) I watched last Sunday's Eagles-Cowboys game just fine on WNWO, using a TV with an over-the-air antenna. We're able to watch enough NFL an... more>>
- Jan 02, 2014 - #tv #home #blog_jr

JR: More people reading news on tablets - No surprise to me. The tablet is by far my favorite reading device for long reads. For long periods of information consumption, I prefer the tablet over printed paper, printed books, laptops, TV, and smartphones. Aug 12, 2013 pandodaily article Why ... more>> 5 min read
- Oct 08, 2013 - #design #media #tablet #email #tv #web #blog_jr

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