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JR: Tt proposed post jan 9, 2016 - "There is still something to be said for convenience." Convenience, lower cost, options, and lack of commercials are some reasons why we don't have cable. Nothing inconvenient about our setup. When I want over-the-air channels, I press a button. Eve... more>> 2 min read
- Jan 09, 2016 - #media #tv #internet

JR: Interesting Tech and Writing Info - (assembled this page on Oct 21, 2015) jh = JotHut pages or threads jh: changes, including an API Google AMP jh: Google AMP Facebook Instant Articles jh: Facebook Instant Articles - May 2015 jh: Facebook In... more>>
- Dec 14, 2015 - #design #activism #internet #technology #writing #reading #blog_jr

JR: NFL streaming a game in October 2015 - We got a glimpse of the future of watching football on Sunday morning. Some day, streaming services not cable, not satellite will probably be the way we watch everything. On Sunday, with the Bills-Jaguars game in London streaming on Yahoo, we got a... more>> 1 min read
- Oct 26, 2015 - #nfl #tv #video #internet #technology

JR: The Internet - past, present, and future - #Internet #activism #politics
- Aug 09, 2015

JR: TV and Internet Connection Thoughts - May 4, 2015 - my tt comment in this thread: CatLady, we share a couple similarities. " is my internet provider." has been our internet service provider since at least the late 1990s. "My TV is from 1993 and still works great ..." Our ... more>> 1 min read
- May 04, 2015 - #internet #tv #technology #home

JR: Internet usage survey - October 2005 - My October 13, 2005 post at Toledo Talk that excerpted a study: Sixty-eight percent of American adults, or about 137 million people, use the internet, up from 63% one year ago. Thirty-two percent of American adults, or about 65 million people, do n... more>>
- Nov 04, 2014 - #internet

JR: TV viewing update - October 2014 - Our TV is too old to receive the digital signal, and I never obtained a converter box. No cable and no satellite TV, so it's just Roku and DVDs for us. Or even better, we don't watch much TV at all anymore. I watch movie DVDs when walking on the ... more>> 2 min read
- Oct 08, 2014 - #tv #internet #sports #football

JR: Highlights from the 2014 Mary Meeker Internet Trends Report - "Mobile advertising is still underperforming vs. time spent on mobile devices, whereas print is still significantly overperforming." May 28, 2014: Internet trends report NY Times Highlights Internet user grow... more>> 1 min read
- Jun 01, 2014 - #internet #technology #media #sports #mobile #advertising #blog_jr

JR: Mark Zuckerberg's and Facebook's views on modern computing - One year ago today, Apr 4, 2013, Facebook announced Home, which was an interesting and attractive redesign of its News Feed that seemed to lose acceptance within the company or among users. But this post is more about Mark Zuckerberg's views on the f... more>> 3 min read
- Apr 04, 2014 - #internet #web #socialmedia #collaboration #mobile #blog_jr

JR: Zuckerberg's views about the Internet and the U.S. government - Excerpts from a Mar 13, 2014 Facebook post, created by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg: The internet is our shared space. It helps us connect. It spreads opportunity. It enables us to learn. It gives us a voice. It makes us stronger and safer toge... more>> 1 min read
- Mar 18, 2014 - #politics #internet

JR: When did the Internet and the Web begin - Today, it's acceptable to use the terms "Internet" and "Web" interchangeably, although technically, they are dramatically different. Simple explanation: Internet - is the network Web (HTTP) - is a "program" that runs over the network Many othe... more>> 7 min read
- Dec 05, 2013 - #history #web #internet #technology #blog_jr

JR: August 2013 report about U.S. Internet access - Aug 26, 2013 - TechCrunch - Pew: 30% Of U.S. Adults Dont Have Broadband; 10% Use Smartphones As Sole Internet Access; 20% Have Zilch As Facebook teams up with other tech titans to put more effort into ubiquitous internet access worldwide, Pew Res... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 24, 2013 - #technology #internet #broadband #blog_jr

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