Search Results For “Tag:writing” - # - rss

JR: Git terms versus normal people terms - Git head master pull push commit fork clone merge rebase cherry pick revert repo repository a git "the git" index clone commit branch tree upstream a head HEAD version tag archive patch submission changeset stash archive object module submodule re... more>>
- Oct 09, 2017 - #git #writing #collaboration

JR: Media thinks video will save its industry - "To serve advertisers, digital media companies are shifting away from text and pictures toward video, a hard move for small web properties with few resources" (Brian Feldman/New York Magazine) - 2016-08-28T00:45:0 #writing #media #business #adve... more>> 3 min read
- Aug 28, 2016 - #writing #media #business #advertising #video #moronism

JR: Indieweb Micropub CRUD Content - #indieweb #writing #editor
- Jun 27, 2016

JR: Humorous overused buzzwords - Hit the ground running Visionary Think outside the box Innovate Influencers Pivot Paradigm shift Engagement Value add Pre-revenue Growth hacking Game changer And add Thinkfluencer. Of course, "onboard" as in "to onboard new customers." #writin... more>>
- May 10, 2016 - #writing #humor #moronism #business

JR: More evidence that people read long stories on phones - February 19, 2016 - - Solving journalisms hidden problem: Terrible analytics March 31, 2016 - - Shorter isnt better, photos arent always alluring and deep digging pays off, recent report concludes Excerpts: After ... more>> 2 min read
- May 05, 2016 - #media #web #writing #blog_jr - replies: 1

JR: Obit writers - Newspaper journalism has been described as the first draft of history. For the people Mark Zaborney writes about, the obituary pages are the last draft. Mr. Zaborney has been writing obituaries for The Blade for 32 years now, and while he also handl... more>> 1 min read
- May 04, 2016 - #media #writing #history

JR: The Media and Their CMS Apps - I think this says more about the poorly-designed workflow systems in some media orgs, and how the media loves to whine and make excuses for their foul-ups.... more>> 26 min read
- Apr 22, 2016 - #media #writing #cms #design #gtd

JR: April 2016 CMS News - "Medium is making its pitch for the commercial publishing web. I guess that's where the money is. Best of luck! (I want the bloggers.)" - but Dave Winer wrote th... more>> 6 min read
- Apr 06, 2016 - #medium #publishing #writing #media #Indieweb

JR: Design by Writing - Links to external sources of inspiration, along with a few links to my own thoughts. Content Good Writing and Editing Is Part of Great Design Content is the hero Content as Medium Words Reminder: Des... more>> 9 min read
- Apr 03, 2016 - #design #writing #reading #web #blog_jr

JR: Blogosphere v2.0? - "Blogosphere", that's a rarely used word from the past, as in 10 to 15 years ago. Dave Winer's Jan 26, 2016 blog post titled Booting up a fresh blogosphere My recent piece, Anywhere But Medium, has gotten a fair amount of play. The Indieweb gro... more>> 5 min read
- Jan 26, 2016 - #blogging #programming #design #writing

JR: Tt post jan 11 2016 b - quote=198789 It's a style issue and not a hard rule. My style version would be incorrect if you were my editor, and I did not follow your style recommendations. The AP style manual would agree with you and use Burris'. The book titled When Words... more>> 1 min read
- Jan 11, 2016 - #writing #media

JR: Interesting Tech and Writing Info - (assembled this page on Oct 21, 2015) jh = JotHut pages or threads jh: changes, including an API Google AMP jh: Google AMP Facebook Instant Articles jh: Facebook Instant Articles - May 2015 jh: Facebook In... more>>
- Dec 14, 2015 - #design #activism #internet #technology #writing #reading #blog_jr

JR:'s view on writing - Spring 2015 - The online publishing platform's head of content labs on optimum story length, writing for free, and how to fix the experience of reading and writing on the Internet. Hansen spoke at the Nieman Foundation this spring in conversation with David Jimne... more>> 4 min read
- Nov 19, 2015 - #medium #reading #writing

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