Search Results For “Tag:activism” - # - rss

JR: Toledo city councilwoman's plan to fund mural program - (My Apr 22, 2014 comment posted at Also from the 13abc story, : Rachel Richardson is the founder of Art Corner of Toledo. Her group would get the $15,000 from the city and a matching $15,000 from Lucas County to fund this art wor... more>> 2 min read
- Nov 10, 2017 - #toledo #art #activism #politics

JR: Should taxpayer money be used to fund murals over potholes? - (My Apr 23, 2014 comment at "Stop stealing from the Capital Improvements Fund to pay for folly. Fix the infrastructure, hire the necessary cops and firefighters." But Toledo city government transfers money from the "capital-improv... more>> 12 min read
- Nov 10, 2017 - #toledo #politics #art #activism

JR: Politically-based climate activists change the name of their cause - First, "their" cause was called global warming, then climate change, and now in May 2014, it's called "climate disruption." I give them points for creativity. The problem is, we like air conditioning. We like receiving goods that are shipped quickl... more>> 3 min read
- Nov 10, 2017 - #humor #activism #climate #environment #politics #moronism

JR: Michael Sam Drafted by St. Louis Rams - (My May 2014 comment.) He was drafted near the end of the 7th and final round. The 249th player picked. It's no surprise when a player drafted that late does not make a team. May 10, 2014 article : Of those players at [Michael Sa... more>> 3 min read
- Nov 10, 2017 - #nfl #sports #football #activism

JR: WAKT 106.1 LPFM Toledo Community Radio Starts July 1 - #toledo #radio #activism #media After nearly three years in the making, the Toledo Low Power FM Radio Project became Toledo Integrated Media Education, and on Friday, July 1, 2016, the group will launch its non-profit community radio station, WAKT... more>> 3 min read
- Jun 26, 2016 - #toledo #radio #activism #media

JR: Late January 2016 weekend fun - Fri, Jan 22, 2016 On Fri evening, Jan 22, 2016, my wife and I along with our next door neighbors K and B went out for the evening. We ate dinner at Ya Halla's, located on Alexis in West Toledo. K and B eat their often. It was our first visit, and ... more>> 2 min read
- Feb 09, 2016 - #toledo #food #restaurant #activism #event

JR: Tt post jan 11 2016 - #toledo #politics #home #activism #humor #moronism quote=198784 Identifying the problem, that might be Step 1 in the recovery program, but we have been stuck on the same step for a while. I think that the problems were identified 10 years ago and ... more>> 3 min read
- Jan 11, 2016 - #toledo #politics #home #activism #humor #moronism

JR: Interesting Tech and Writing Info - (assembled this page on Oct 21, 2015) jh = JotHut pages or threads jh: changes, including an API Google AMP jh: Google AMP Facebook Instant Articles jh: Facebook Instant Articles - May 2015 jh: Facebook In... more>>
- Dec 14, 2015 - #design #activism #internet #technology #writing #reading #blog_jr

JR: Social Media for Non-profits - #socialmedia - #writing - #activism - #howto
- Aug 11, 2015

JR: The Internet - past, present, and future - #Internet #activism #politics
- Aug 09, 2015

JR: Applying logic to marriage - Jun 26, 2015 In November 2004, I voted against Ohio's ban on same-sex marriage because I do not care who or what anyone "marries." A human should be permitted to marry another human, a wheel barrel, a baseball, a blue spruce, or a smartphone. Thos... more>> 2 min read
- Jun 26, 2015 - #legal #activism #religion #politics #moronism

JR: Using technology in government to help people - #programming #technology #activism
- Mar 24, 2015

JR: Redemption City Church - Vision meeting notes - Sun, Nov 9, 2014 - Website: Redemption City Church The church held its first service on Sun, Oct 26, 2014. DD attended the second service. I tagged along for the third service. Impressive beginning. On Sunday evening, November 9, the church held a meeting to share i... more>> 4 min read
- Nov 10, 2014 - #religion #activism #toledo

JR: 2014 Northwest Ohio Rib-off Concert Crisis - (My Apr 23, 2014 comment at a thread about Ted Nugent performing at the Northwest Ohio Rib-off, scheduled for August 2014.) I did not realize that people were being forced to buy tickets to attend a concert in Maumee, Ohio. I guess i... more>> 6 min read
- Jul 29, 2014 - #music #media #politics #activism #moronism #humor #blog_jr

JR: Hempoline bio-fuel - (My post from 2007) Info related to hemp and other products used for bio-fuels. Some of the information is from a July 11, 2006 Toledo Talk thread titled More ethanol plants by The Andersons. Hemp summary points Today, more tha... more>> 30 min read
- Jul 22, 2014 - #environment #energy #biofuel #activism #auto #farming #politics #blog_jr

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