Search Results For “Tag:technology” - # - rss

JR: Links nov 9 2016 - #politics #technology #programming #aws
- Nov 09, 2016

JR: Tt post oct 7, 2016 - b - enjoyeverysandwich posted at 09:13:28 PM on Oct 07, 2016: as soon as they can find another Commodore 64 to run the electronics. #history #technology quote=206710 Those are hot items. For parts. September 2016 Gizmodo story : This Old-Ass Com... more>> 1 min read
- Oct 07, 2016 - #history #technology

JR: Old DaveNet postings - Interesting Dave Winer posts from 1994 into the early aughts. Get to see how tech, politics, etc. changed through the years. DaveNet was first then came Scripting Some people say weblogs are just for teenagers to talk about cars, m... more>> 2 min read
- Jul 16, 2016 - #web #technology #blogging #politics #history

JR: Computer beating human at Go - From Quartz daily brief email on Sat, Apr 2, 2016 How machine beat man. Googles AlphaGo defeated Go champion Lee Sedol last month by making moves that went against 2,500 years of received wisdom about how to play the game. Nikhil Sonnad and Joon Ia... more>>
- Apr 02, 2016 - #technology #ai #gaming

JR: Pondering Dave Winer's early Jan 2016 posts - Jan 5, 2016 - My current bookmarks page of sites that I visit or feeds that I consume includes a link to DW's feed near the top of the list. I access his feed multiple times per day to see what new insights he has posted. I'm mainly interested in his... more>> 13 min read
- Jan 06, 2016 - #indieweb #webmention #socialmedia #technology #moronism #blog_jr

JR: Interesting Tech and Writing Info - (assembled this page on Oct 21, 2015) jh = JotHut pages or threads jh: changes, including an API Google AMP jh: Google AMP Facebook Instant Articles jh: Facebook Instant Articles - May 2015 jh: Facebook In... more>>
- Dec 14, 2015 - #design #activism #internet #technology #writing #reading #blog_jr

JR: NFL streaming a game in October 2015 - We got a glimpse of the future of watching football on Sunday morning. Some day, streaming services not cable, not satellite will probably be the way we watch everything. On Sunday, with the Bills-Jaguars game in London streaming on Yahoo, we got a... more>> 1 min read
- Oct 26, 2015 - #nfl #tv #video #internet #technology

JR: TV and Internet Connection Thoughts - May 4, 2015 - my tt comment in this thread: CatLady, we share a couple similarities. " is my internet provider." has been our internet service provider since at least the late 1990s. "My TV is from 1993 and still works great ..." Our ... more>> 1 min read
- May 04, 2015 - #internet #tv #technology #home

JR: Using technology in government to help people - #programming #technology #activism
- Mar 24, 2015

JR: Mozilla Firefox browser is losing users and who cares? - Mar 8, 2015 - Why I wont mourn Mozilla by Eric Raymond I agree with that post. I use Firefox with JavaScript disabled as my default browser on my old laptop. I use the NoScripts plugin to control JavaScript. This makes web sites load faster. For... more>> 2 min read
- Mar 13, 2015 - #web #technology #politics #moronism

JR: Interesting weather-related presentation - Relationship between the forecast skills of the Great Plains low-level jet and mesoscale convective systems in 4 km WRF runs Brian Squitieri Iowa State University Noon January 20 in Room 2155 Abstract: The Great Plains low-level jet (LLJ) foster... more>> 1 min read
- Jan 23, 2015 - #weather #technology

JR: Email newsletter startup business - Proof that not all of the ideas have been taken. Lo-fi tech approach plus personal interests plus a passion to make something. dec 2014 july 2014 sample #email - #media - #writing - #technology - #startup
- Dec 17, 2014

JR: Solar energy is frying birds - The alternative energy sources are quite destructive to flying things. Turbines whacking birds is well-known, but I was unaware of large solar installations frying birds in mid-air. Some of the 300,000 computer-controlled mirrors, at the Ivanpah ... more>>
- Aug 18, 2014 - #solar #energy #technology #moronism #environment #bird

JR: Stories to Read - Mon, Aug 4, 2014 - #media - #technology - #programming - #javascript - #mobile - #insect more>>
- Aug 05, 2014 - #media #technology #programming #javascript #mobile #insect

JR: Anti-blogger - March 2003 - (my Thursday, March 6, 2003 blog post) From - The SJ Merc interview with Marc Andreessen (founder of Netscape) asks if he has a blog. "No," he said. "I have a day job. I don't have the time or ego need." People used to say stuff like t... more>>
- Jul 24, 2014 - #humor #blogging #history #technology

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