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JR: Toledo's whacked anti-foreign thinking - My Aug 8, 2013 comment about Toledo mayoral candidate Anita Lopez. Excerpts from two Blade stories about a mayoral forum that occurred earlier this week: Story 1 and story 2 Regarding the Marina District, Ms. Lopez said the city-owned property sh... more>> 5 min read
- Nov 10, 2017 - #toledo #politics #moronism

JR: Smoking ban supporters are feeble - (My post that I created in July 2008) A side issue in a July 2008 thread about the Mexican restaurant called El Camino Real. Begin rant : Time to go off-kilter and revisit an old favorite topic even though it's all been said befor... more>> 3 min read
- Nov 10, 2017 - #politics #health #moronism #quote

JR: Junk food needs sin-taxed and banned - (My July 2008 comment in a thread about proposed junk food ban in California.) Well, it's about time. We need sin taxes and bans on junk food just like tobacco. Naturally, someone will argue that "A person gulping down a Big Mac does... more>> 3 min read
- Nov 10, 2017 - #food #health #politics #moronism

JR: Toledo's xenophobic attitude - (My comment in a Sep/Oct 2013 thread.) Surprisingly, or maybe not, anti-foreign thinking is too prevalent in Toledo, Ohio, especially since we're now in the second decade of the 21st century. Mayoral candidate Anita Lopez played the ... more>> 2 min read
- Nov 10, 2017 - #toledo #politics #business #moronism

JR: Old smoking ban post - 2004 - #todo finish editing links, etc. The government will never make tobacco illegal, because they receive too much tax revenue from it, and the states enjoy the tobacco settlement money. That's the absurdity of what the government is doing, by banning... more>> 1 min read
- Nov 10, 2017 - #todo #toledo #business #politics #moronism

JR: Blade columnist's petty writing skills - (My Apr 6, 2014 comment to a Toledo Talk thread) In Burris's Apr 6, 2014 column, this line that he wrote is hilarious: The Treeces faced mostly open minds. Really? Maybe that depends upon the definition of "mostly." Excerpts from Burris's No... more>> 1 min read
- Nov 10, 2017 - #toledo #media #moronism #politics #business

JR: Politically-based climate activists change the name of their cause - First, "their" cause was called global warming, then climate change, and now in May 2014, it's called "climate disruption." I give them points for creativity. The problem is, we like air conditioning. We like receiving goods that are shipped quickl... more>> 3 min read
- Nov 10, 2017 - #humor #activism #climate #environment #politics #moronism

JR: Toledo government transferring CIP money to the General Fund - #toledo #politics #moronism capital improvements plan general fund police fire The city has shifted millions since 2010 from the capital budget to the general fund to keep it in the black and to fund the salaries of police and fire personnel t... more>> 2 min read
- May 30, 2017 - #toledo #politics #moronism

JR: Journalists' Goal for 2017: Produce Fake News - So it seems, at least at some media orgs. The problem is that many journalists use their filter bubble on Media Twitter to share bogus stories, produced by allegedly acceptable media orgs. The Media Twitter echo chamber is part of the fake news pro... more>> 6 min read
- Jan 11, 2017 - #media #legal #business #moronism

JR: Tt post nov 16, 2016 - Blade : A three-year contract signed in 2015 with Toledo Firefighters Local 92 increased the departments minimum manning requirement from 103 to 107. It will go up to 110 on Jan. 1, 2017, further increasing the citys costs. Why would the city ... more>> 1 min read
- Nov 16, 2016 - #toledo #politics #moronism

JR: Responsively-designed websites that use a tiny font on mobile - #moronism It's bizarre that content or media sites use an uncomfortably small font size for the mobile version of their websites. Why? Kudos to for using a comfortable font size on mobile. The mobile web abusers will be listed as I encou... more>>
- Nov 15, 2016 - #moronism

JR: TheIntercept links - Oct 22, 2016 - going back several days. catching up. more>>
- Oct 23, 2016 - #politics #moronism

JR: Tt post oct 20, 2016 - Oct 20, 2016 - Toledo Blade - Toledo has no funds for sidewalk repairs At this time, it is anticipated that the 2017 CIP plan will not include funding for a sidewalk replacement program, according to a letter sent to councilmen. Funding for a sid... more>> 1 min read
- Oct 20, 2016 - #toledo #politics #moronism

JR: still a bloated mess in September 2016 - The dumbest story that I read in 2015 was this one. July 20, 2016 - - The mobile web sucks - It's going to get worse before it gets better The article's slant is stunning when considering the author's bio. My emphasis added. Year... more>> 8 min read
- Sep 13, 2016 - #web #design #media #moronism

JR: Media thinks video will save its industry - "To serve advertisers, digital media companies are shifting away from text and pictures toward video, a hard move for small web properties with few resources" (Brian Feldman/New York Magazine) - 2016-08-28T00:45:0 #writing #media #business #adve... more>> 3 min read
- Aug 28, 2016 - #writing #media #business #advertising #video #moronism

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