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JR: Smoking ban supporters are feeble - (My post that I created in July 2008) A side issue in a July 2008 thread about the Mexican restaurant called El Camino Real. Begin rant : Time to go off-kilter and revisit an old favorite topic even though it's all been said befor... more>> 3 min read
- Nov 10, 2017 - #politics #health #moronism #quote

JR: Tt post aug 17, 2016 - As mentioned above: [PH2] said the law could create entrepreneurial opportunities for people to become inspectors. A local official will probably claim that Toledo could become the Silicon Valley or the Saudi Arabia of lead inspectors. Also fro... more>>
- Aug 17, 2016 - #quote #toledo #politics #moronism #humor #health

JR: Journalism and Social Media - July 2016 - #media #socialmedia #business #humor #moronism Guardian story: How journalism has adapted to the era of social media, where creating an emotional connection trumps getting the facts straight This sounds like more whining by the media indust... more>> 6 min read
- Jul 12, 2016 - #media #socialmedia #business #humor #moronism #advertising #quote #indieweb

JR: Fight Club movie quote - In the world I see -- you're stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You will wear leather clothes that last you the rest of ... more>>
- Jun 28, 2016 - #movie #quote #nature

JR: Presidential politics explained by the movie 'Ides of March' - I like movies about politics and/or media. Quotes from the reporter named Ida, played by George Costanza's girlfriend Marisa Tomei: "You really buy into all this crap? All this take back the... more>>
- Apr 26, 2016 - #politics #movie #humor #quote

JR: The return of Web 1.0 - Or maybe it never went away completely. October 2014 Gizmodo story titled The Great Web 1.0 Revival "We're tired of being told what to do, what to see, and how to interact online by platforms that resemble rat mazes more than sandboxes." Paul... more>> 4 min read
- Apr 11, 2016 - #web #history #design #quote

JR: "Maintenance is the work of the caring" - Great #quote in this HN thread: Maintainability is the feature of unreliable equipment. Not quite. The whole purpose of maintenance is to increase the longevity of a product by making small, cheap, t... more>>
- Mar 23, 2016 - #quote

JR: My dec 14, 2015 tt post - if only the person knew the difference between an "angel" and an "angle" That's an old geometry joke. "Every time a bell rings, an angle gets its degrees." #quote #humor #math
- Dec 14, 2015

JR: Interesting viewpoint on content production - I guess that I made this quote in February 2014, although I'm unsure why. I must have been reading something related. The web app's publishing ease-of-use produces quantity. Honing the quantity produces quality. Organizing the quality produces ea... more>>
- Sep 09, 2014 - #jothut #junco #blogging #wiki #editor #quote #media #design

JR: Blade outsourcing printing - "Watching the recent contraction and consolidation of many of the printing sites that Ive worked on over the years, including The Blade, has been a rule rather than an exception. Decreasing advertising revenue and circulation numbers, combined with a... more>>
- Jun 01, 2014 - #media #quote

JR: The web as a platform - Lengthy but interesting post ... ... written by Michael Bleigh, the CEO/Cofounder of static web hosting platform-as-a-service Divshot. "The web as a platform is easier to learn and lets developers do more faster than any other platform" Some exce... more>> 4 min read
- May 27, 2014 - #web #programming #html #javascript #mobile #quote #framework #blog_jr

JR: May 3, 2014 notes about our backyard Hermit Thrush - "You can observe a lot just by watching." - Yogi Berra (On Sat, May 3, I wrote this info down in my Field Notes notebook, but I don't think that I recorded it at JotHut.) At 10:47 a.m., I observed a Hermit Thrush foraging on our back lawn, near th... more>> 2 min read
- May 27, 2014 - #bird #home #nature #quote #blog_jr #todo

JR: Grills and Smokers - Smoked Salmon Using the "Little Chief" Smoker Electric vs all-wood/fire? Info from listening to the Really Big Show on AM 850 WKNR ESPN Cleveland radio. "If you are lookin', then you ain't cookin'." - #quote Smokers/Grills Memphis Wood Fi... more>>
- Apr 09, 2014 - #quote #food #recipe #grilling #smoking #blog_jr

JR: Facebook might experiment with anonymity - Seems like an odd philosophical choice, but as a publicly-traded company, it might be a practical business decision. Randi Zuckerberg said back in July 2011 when she worked at Facebook: "I think anonymity on the Internet has to go away. People b... more>> 3 min read
- Apr 04, 2014 - #socialmedia #business #anonymity #quote #blog_jr

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