Search Results For “Tag:wiki” - # - rss

JR: My Web Apps as of March 2016 - Screenshots of My Web Apps Parula - - message board with wiki and blog features. 2005. Junco - - community site with social networking (following), wiki, and bl... more>> 3 min read
- May 24, 2016 - #blogging #wiki #messaging #memex #forums #web #programming

JR: Business Communication - 2016 - Interview with Phil Simon who said: We often think that were being clear at work when were not. This is why I titled the book Message Not Received. To quote George Bernard Shaw, The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it ha... more>> 4 min read
- Jan 13, 2016 - #business #kms #email #collaboration #design #wiki #blogging

JR: Types of web apps that interest me - Listed in no particular order: message board wiki blog private messaging memex outliner I've not created an outliner too, but Dave Winer's commentary on the app is interesting. #wiki - #blogging - #forums - #messaging - #memex - #outliner
- Jun 16, 2015

JR: JotHut uses - To-Dos How-Tos Notebook Taxonomy Idea Organizer Lifestream Logger Content Management Knowledge Management Personal Publishing System Personal Information Management 'Memory Extender' 'Information Appliance' 'Work Processor' A place to store and ret... more>>
- Nov 12, 2014 - #wiki #blogging #cms #notes #blog_jr

JR: My August 2005 thoughts about creating a wiki for the Toledo area - (my Aug 19, 2005 comment ) Everyone satisfied so I can delete this topic too? Maybe I should leave this topic as a reminder about posting to the front page. I'm not discouraging front page posting. I simply want the info organized as ... more>> 1 min read
- Oct 21, 2014 - #forums #blogging #wiki #toledotalk

JR: Interesting viewpoint on content production - I guess that I made this quote in February 2014, although I'm unsure why. I must have been reading something related. The web app's publishing ease-of-use produces quantity. Honing the quantity produces quality. Organizing the quality produces ea... more>>
- Sep 09, 2014 - #jothut #junco #blogging #wiki #editor #quote #media #design

JR: New media relies on new technology - Apr 6, 2014 - NY Times - Vox Takes Melding of Journalism and Technology to a New Level - Ezra Klein's new media venture. The story provides excellent insights into programmers working for or as journalists, the value of content management systems in... more>> 15 min read
- Apr 27, 2014 - #media #startup #cms #wiki #cards #blog_jr

JR: Network News in a Box - 2007 - Reading through this Toledo Talk post from October 2007 titled Reporting on the San Diego County fires, saw this section Network News in a Box and found this unused open, wiki That wiki's home page was munged, but it w... more>> 4 min read
- Mar 03, 2014 - #sandiegofire #forums #wiki #socialmedia #government #blog_jr

JR: Wikipedia on mobile - Wikipedia, the worlds fifth-largest website, but one with a relatively minuscule operating budget, has been especially slow to adapt to a mobile world. Only 20 percent of the readership of the English-language Wikipedia comes via mobile devices, a f... more>> 3 min read
- Mar 03, 2014 - #wiki #mobile #writing #notes #app #blog_jr

JR: My views on printing digital text to paper - Hand printing and sketching with a pencil or ballpoint pen in a notebook is still acceptable behavior for me, at least for a few more years. This Web app will play a role in reducing and possibly eliminating my use of pocket paper notebooks and a bal... more>> 2 min read
- Jan 12, 2014 - #kms #cms #wiki #blogging #business #email #collaboration #blog_jr

JR: Stop using e-mail as a collaboration and knowledge management tool - E-mail still has a place in the work environment. E-mail won't go away. But it's amazing how many employees still rely on e-mail for collaboration and knowledge management tasks that would be better suited for even a simple internal wiki Web app. I'... more>> 11 min read
- Oct 29, 2013 - #kms #cms #wiki #blogging #business #email #collaboration #blog_jr

JR: Content creation and distribution sites to read - #rss - #wiki - #blogging - #toread
- Jul 23, 2013

JR: Online notebooks - July 3, 2013 Hacker News discussion that points to this wiki: The above notes also exist at github: From the HN chat: - It's just a set of reference notes I mainly keep for myself, but it's not really private - I s... more>> 4 min read
- Jul 04, 2013 - #wiki #notes

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