Search Results For “Tag:rss” - # - rss

JR: Toledo Blade local news feed - jan 21, 2018 update : when my code attempts to process an invalid rss/atom feed, my code blows up instead of gracefully erroring out. for the past few weeks, month or more, the blade rss feeds have been invalid. two close rss tags exist at the botto... more>>
- Jan 21, 2018 - #rss #media #toledo

JR: Scripting feed - Dave Winer - {{feed= desc}} #rss
- Jul 06, 2016

JR: Old School Web - April 2016 - Actually, "old school web" would be the 1990s. The descriptions below were more common between 2000 and 2007. blog - for sharing content to the world. no commenting mechanism (personal pref). at most, might implement a spam-proof indieweb webmentio... more>>
- Apr 26, 2016 - #blogging #rss #email

JR: How to create a facebook instant articles rss feed - example feed: #rss #ia #howto more>>
- Apr 14, 2016 - #rss #ia #howto

JR: Facebook Instant Articles Publishing - Sep 2015 - #rss
- Sep 23, 2015

JR: Apple iOS 9 - news reader and ad blocker - Positives for the user reading experience. Possibly negatives for publishers if they choose to remain stuck in the past. create crappy, bloated websites, and users revolt. and don't blame innovation that originates at Google, Faceb... more>> 14 min read
- Sep 20, 2015 - #media #design #rss #mobile #advertising

JR: Will Twitter eliminate its 140-character post limit? - March 2015 Dave Winer has wanted to Twitter to remove the 140-character barrier for a long while now. I can't recall anyone else expressing this sentiment for so long. I simply have not noticed a lot of outrage about the 140-char limit over the past... more>> 3 min read
- Mar 16, 2015 - #programming #web #javascript #moronism #rss #indieweb #blogging

JR: Circa's mobile app versus the web and RSS - #todo finish editing Jul 23, 2014 - Scripting News - Where's Circa's RSS feed? For more than a year, I've been accessing Circa news stories via their Twitter page at . But since I finally got with the times and acqui... more>> 10 min read
- Jul 23, 2014 - #todo #media #mobile #app #rss #design #blog_jr

JR: Feeds of Interest - Medium - Beautiful Stories Medium - Tech Talk Medium - Design - UX Medium - I.M.H.O Medium - About Medium - Design plus Startups Med... more>>
- Apr 08, 2014 - #blogging #medium #rss

JR: Interesting reads from 10-plus years ago at - Open Question: What would you do with RSS Stories and Tools A MetaFilter Proposal September 11, 2001 The Next Usenet The way I see it, we already have about half of the solution implemented. First, there seems to be an almost endless suppl... more>> 19 min read
- Aug 23, 2013 - #history #web #programming #rss #forums #design #blog_jr

JR: Medium - Thoughts on Creativity - {{feed= desc}} #blogging #medium #rss
- Jul 29, 2013

JR: Medium - What I learned Building - {{feed= desc}} #blogging #medium #rss
- Jul 29, 2013

JR: Medium - Writers on Writing - {{feed= desc}} #blogging #medium #rss
- Jul 29, 2013

JR: Medium - Jobs - {{feed= desc}} #blogging #medium #rss
- Jul 29, 2013

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