Search Results For “Tag:grebe” - # - rss

JR: Grebe code changes to apply at other installs - Files to migrate to other sites The code located at could be copied to my other blog sites if necessary. Grebe D committed Dec 17, 2014 Dec 17, 2014 support logging in from the node.js client code lib / API / l... more>>
- Apr 17, 2015 - #grebe #blogging

JR: Live Blog - Wed, Nov 26, 2014 - (this was a post made at my Grebe testing site) Test data used to toy with formatting. Eastern Time Zone used. 11:29 p.m. We're finished brewing, and I put my starter away. And that's that. Today was a nice, relaxing day before Thanksgiving. ... more>> 9 min read
- Feb 25, 2015 - #testing #blogging #grebe

JR: Curl testing against Grebe - If using the no-password-login method ... WRONG, at least for now. curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data json='{"user_name": "testuser", "email": ""}' CORRECT curl -i -d json='{"user_name": "testuser", "email... more>>
- Dec 16, 2014 - #grebe #curl #testing

JR: Grebe-Client-NodeJS - more>>
- Nov 13, 2014 - #grebe #nodejs

JR: - Used to dump the contents in database tables for backup purposes. #!/bin/bash dumpdir=/home/myaccount/dbdump dt=`date +%d-%b-%Y` dumpfile=$dumpdir/myaccount-dbdump-$dt.sql /usr/bin/mysqldump --add-drop-table -uDBUSER -pDBPWD DBNAME > $dumpfile gzip... more>>
- Sep 24, 2014 - #mysql #database #programming #junco #grebe

JR: Grebe Feature List - #grebe - #blogging Grebe is a small blogging tool. Features API-based, using REST and JSON. Multiple user accounts permitted Customizable user profile page Post types: articles, drafts, and notes Markup support: Textile, Markdown, Multimarkdown... more>> 2 min read
- Aug 19, 2014 - #grebe #blogging

JR: Grebe Docs - [X] means initial commits were made got GitHub. - introductory text Located in: Grebe / docs [X] - API usage [X] - example JSON returned for the API functions [X] - bullet point list o... more>>
- Aug 19, 2014 - #grebe #todo

JR: Grebe API - tags: #grebe - #api - #rest - #json This is Grebe's API description. It's currently used at and with a test site at It uses REST and JSON. Each function below is preceded with /api/v1 in the URI, so for Make Toledo, it would be Example of ac... more>> 3 min read
- Aug 18, 2014 - #grebe #api #rest #json

JR: Grebe API - Old Page - Use three simple, common response codes indicating (1) success, (2) failure due to client-side problem, (3) failure due to server-side problem: 200 - OK 400 - Bad Request 500 - Internal Server Error Greb... more>> 5 min read
- Jul 18, 2014 - #grebe #blogging #api #programming

JR: My profile page description info for - Grebe - #grebe - #maketoledo My Photos of Toledo Area Sights Magee Marsh causeway traveler Lake Erie at Magee Marsh Ground Hog's Day at our West Toledo home crunchy Maumee River tame deer at Magee Marsh at home Swan C... more>>
- Jun 20, 2014 - #grebe #maketoledo

JR: Markdown and Multimarkdown testing and documentation - hidden comments markdown/multimarkdown permits html style comments. trying something different based upon this post. it worked. the above "comments" do not appear anywhere in the html markup, so they are not seen with a view-source. they could... more>> 4 min read
- Jun 18, 2014 - #grebe #markup #junco #multimarkdown

JR: Creating new blog tool based upon Junco and Kinglet - #todo - #programming - #blogging - #grebe I created Kinglet from Junco code. I'd like to create a smaller blogging tool based upon ideas and code from both Junco and Kinglet. App name options: Modo Veery Tanager Scaup Grebe update: I decided u... more>> 8 min read
- Jun 18, 2014 - #todo #programming #blogging #grebe

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