Search Results For “Tag:database” - # - rss

JR: CouchDB - Apr 22, 2015 - I installed the following: elasticsearch 1.5.1 plugin elasticsearch-river-couchdb 2.5.0 NodeJS and ElasticSearch more>> 4 min read
- Aug 24, 2017 - #database #nosql #json

JR: The Guardian and Comments - April 2016 - adding here my thread: "In case you're new to the internet:"articles written by women attract more abuse/trolling than those written by men"" - #media #comments - what's funny is that the... more>> 15 min read
- Apr 12, 2016 - #media #comments #moronism #programming #database

JR: Berkeley DB - is a software library that provides a high-performance embedded database for key/value data. Berkeley DB is written in C with API bindings for C++, C#, PHP, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, Smalltalk, and many other programming languages. BDB stores ar... more>>
- Oct 10, 2014 - #todo #database

JR: SQLite - Perl Contains the driver and the SQLite database #database - #sqlite
- Oct 10, 2014

JR: - Used to dump the contents in database tables for backup purposes. #!/bin/bash dumpdir=/home/myaccount/dbdump dt=`date +%d-%b-%Y` dumpfile=$dumpdir/myaccount-dbdump-$dt.sql /usr/bin/mysqldump --add-drop-table -uDBUSER -pDBPWD DBNAME > $dumpfile gzip... more>>
- Sep 24, 2014 - #mysql #database #programming #junco #grebe

JR: Old Lucas County registered sex offenders maps mashup info - My July 2013 comment at "It's just data and I want more of it." Same here. Most people will ignore the data just like the registered sex offender data, but some people may want to process the data in a different way. Back in 2005... more>> 3 min read
- Oct 29, 2013 - #media #maps #mashups #programming #database #blog_jr

JR: CMS based upon a file system and not a database - I wouldn't want to write something new. So, what, then? SQLite, LevelDB, Kyoto Cabinet? None of the above -- I'd use the file system. My rough design was something fairly obvious: tables are folders. Objects are files. And each table gets one specia... more>>
- Oct 15, 2013 - #database #blogging #cms

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