Search Results For “Tag:javascript” - # - rss

JR: Links feb 25, 2017 - the post above and this next one balance each other. more>>
- Feb 25, 2017 - #javascript #programming #nodejs #framework #react

JR: Plain JavaScript - #javascript #programming
- Dec 21, 2016

JR: React Native - #programming #javascript #mobile #app #howto #react
- Nov 01, 2016

JR: Installing nodejs, nginx, mysql, junco, and ghost on Digital Ocean Droplet - Week of November 10, 2013 Buying a Domain Name I used to buy a domain name. Web Hosting at Digital Ocean create an account purchase the $5 per month Droplet. I used Ubuntu Linux. Digital Ocean will e-mail the usern... more>> 16 min read
- Sep 26, 2016 - #webhosting #nodejs #javascript #ghost #blogging #ssl

JR: with javascript disabled - as of june 8, 2016, but the site has functioned this way for a long while. #web #design #business #javascript #humor #moronism
- Jun 08, 2016

JR: Breaking the web in 2014 - 2016 - More site owners are offending the web with their effed-up, bloated javascript-heavy constructions. These ill-conceived content sites do not provide users with a simple and enjoyable reading experience. Site developers misuse modern browser techn... more>> 46 min read
- May 31, 2016 - #web #javascript #css #html5 #responsive #design #moronism #blog_jr - replies: 1

JR: How to enable and disable JavaScript in Firefox - I don't understand why the Firefox programmers / designers make it annoyingly difficult to disable and enable JavaScript globally. It was easier in the old Netscape browser a gazillion years ago. Method 1: Via about:config In Firefox's addres... more>> 1 min read
- Apr 23, 2016 - #browser #moronism #javascript #howto

JR: Web browser editors - April 2016 - ContentEditable Draft.js is a framework for building rich text editors in Re... more>>
- Apr 13, 2016 - #react #javascript #editor

JR: Pop-up javascript footnotes - Example pages: #javascript #todo
- Sep 17, 2015

JR: Media websites, JavaScript bloat, tracking, Ghostery monitoring - Jul 4, 2014 - PandoDaily - I just installed a tool which shows how popular websites are spying on me. The results are horrifying With JavaScript enabled, an article page may take several seconds, maybe more than 10 seconds, to load completely. With ... more>> 7 min read
- Aug 21, 2015 - #media #browser #javascript #blog_jr

JR: ContentEditable web browser editors - Not for me. I'll continue to use my "enhanced" JavaScript editor that I "created" in the summer of 2013. Around that time. I did not create it from scratch. I downloaded someone else's open source code and modified the code to work the way I wanted... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 12, 2015 - #browser #web #editor #javascript

JR: Will Twitter eliminate its 140-character post limit? - March 2015 Dave Winer has wanted to Twitter to remove the 140-character barrier for a long while now. I can't recall anyone else expressing this sentiment for so long. I simply have not noticed a lot of outrage about the 140-char limit over the past... more>> 3 min read
- Mar 16, 2015 - #programming #web #javascript #moronism #rss #indieweb #blogging

JR: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing header - for client-side javascripts that get downloaded from server that want to access an API on another server. #api - #web - #programming - #javascript
- Jan 09, 2015

JR: Flakes client-side JavaScript framework - Flakes is an Open Source Design Frontend Framework that serves as a foundation for internal business applications. Flakes is a combination of CSS Libraries, JavaScript Libraries and Design files that serve as a foundation. Flakes gives priority to ... more>>
- Dec 18, 2014 - #javascript #css #html #framework #design #programming #todo #testing

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