Search Results For “Tag:messaging” - # - rss

JR: My Web Apps as of March 2016 - Screenshots of My Web Apps Parula - - message board with wiki and blog features. 2005. Junco - - community site with social networking (following), wiki, and bl... more>> 3 min read
- May 24, 2016 - #blogging #wiki #messaging #memex #forums #web #programming

JR: Types of web apps that interest me - Listed in no particular order: message board wiki blog private messaging memex outliner I've not created an outliner too, but Dave Winer's commentary on the app is interesting. #wiki - #blogging - #forums - #messaging - #memex - #outliner
- Jun 16, 2015

JR: Comparing Messaging Apps - April 2014 - Apr 2, 2014 - - Comparing messaging apps is an exercise in pointlessness Despite the hype surrounding messaging apps over the past few months, the fact is that different apps do different things for different people. WhatsApp is like its... more>>
- Apr 02, 2014 - #messaging #mobile #app #blog_jr

JR: Views on Social Network Anonymity - "For me, its nothing more than what you would see etched on a bathroom wall." - Mark Suster, venture capitalist "People use Facebook to say all kinds of terrible things. It really just depends on who is in your network." - Christopher Poole, 4chan f... more>> 6 min read
- Mar 19, 2014 - #socialnetworking #messaging #forums #anonymity #blog_jr

JR: Facebook's mobile app strategy for 2014 - #todo add excerpts January 16, 2014 - The Verge - Facebook plans suite of standalone mobile apps for 2014 - Messenger is just the tip of the iceberg Related: Jan 30, 2014 stories #mobile - #app ... more>>
- Mar 03, 2014 - #todo #mobile #app #socialmedia #messaging #blog_jr

JR: Simple chat web app for Toledo Talk - Update Feb 28, 2014: created and tested initially within the testcode area at on Feb 25-27, and then merged into code base on Feb 27-28. Still need to correct double post issue on my HP tablet that uses WebOS, and need to ... more>> 2 min read
- Mar 02, 2014 - #toledotalk #chat #messaging

JR: Anonymity on messaging services - Feb 12, 2014 - WSJ - New Apps Whisper and Secret Cater to a Craving to Dish Freely - "Messaging Services Offer Anonymity and a Web With Fewer Consequences" Mr. Edgeworth is among a younger demographic who are flocking to a raft of new messaging ap... more>> 2 min read
- Feb 14, 2014 - #messaging #anonymity #business #advertising

JR: My early introduction to Twitter - Like many people, I first learned about Twitter from news released during the March 2007 SXSW conference. Twitter launched in 2006, but I don't think I heard about it then. I don't remember. I could have read something about it in 2006 and glossed ov... more>> 4 min read
- Oct 19, 2013 - #socialmedia #twitter #technology #history #messaging #blog_jr

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