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Some Ello thoughts - Sep - Oct 2014
- (my Sep 29, 2014 comment at with minor corrections and/or additions added below)
If you know someone who already has an Ello account, then you can request an invite from that person. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until Ello gets arou...
12 min read
- Oct 05, 2014
- #ello #socialnetworking #media #moronism #blog_jr
Google+ as of April 2014
- I occasionally log into my Facebook account, but I don't check Google+ nor Twitter. is enough "social networking" for me.
Excerpts from
What were hearing from multiple sources is that Google+ will no longer be considered a produc...
3 min read
- May 27, 2014
- #socialnetworking #socialmedia #business #blog_jr
Views on Social Network Anonymity
- "For me, its nothing more than what you would see etched on a bathroom wall." - Mark Suster, venture capitalist
"People use Facebook to say all kinds of terrible things. It really just depends on who is in your network." - Christopher Poole, 4chan f...
6 min read
- Mar 19, 2014
- #socialnetworking #messaging #forums #anonymity #blog_jr