Search Results For “Tag:anonymity” - # - rss

JR: Anonabox issues - #tor - #anonymity - #security -... more>>
- Oct 19, 2014 - #tor #anonymity #security #privacy

JR: Facebook might experiment with anonymity - Seems like an odd philosophical choice, but as a publicly-traded company, it might be a practical business decision. Randi Zuckerberg said back in July 2011 when she worked at Facebook: "I think anonymity on the Internet has to go away. People b... more>> 3 min read
- Apr 04, 2014 - #socialmedia #business #anonymity #quote #blog_jr

JR: Views on Social Network Anonymity - "For me, its nothing more than what you would see etched on a bathroom wall." - Mark Suster, venture capitalist "People use Facebook to say all kinds of terrible things. It really just depends on who is in your network." - Christopher Poole, 4chan f... more>> 6 min read
- Mar 19, 2014 - #socialnetworking #messaging #forums #anonymity #blog_jr

JR: More about comments and anonymity - My Jan 2014 comment at Here are a couple other "studies:" July 2011 - If your website is full of assholes, it's your fault If you run a website, you need to follow these steps. if you don't, you're making the web, and the wo... more>> 1 min read
- Mar 03, 2014 - #comments #forums #socialmedia #anonymity #blog_jr

JR: Anonymity on messaging services - Feb 12, 2014 - WSJ - New Apps Whisper and Secret Cater to a Craving to Dish Freely - "Messaging Services Offer Anonymity and a Web With Fewer Consequences" Mr. Edgeworth is among a younger demographic who are flocking to a raft of new messaging ap... more>> 2 min read
- Feb 14, 2014 - #messaging #anonymity #business #advertising

JR: January 2013 articles about commenting systems - (initial content below was copied from my post and then added to in Nov 2013) Stories about: whether to allow comments whether to use Facebook comments or some other system anonymity or real names -- -- -- ol... more>> 13 min read
- Jan 15, 2014 - #forums #blogging #socialmedia #anonymity #comments #blog_jr

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