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Land line phone usage

Apr 14, 2014 - ToledoTalk.com - Do you have a 'home' phone

It seems that most responders do not have a land line phone at home, which is not a surprise.

We still have a land line. It does not make long distant calls. It can receive long distant calls. The land line is our "home" phone number, which we use for some registration or sign-up purposes.

I rarely answer the land line when it rings. I let the voice messaging system screen calls, since the answering machine does not have caller ID. My parents call the land line number.

But for several years now, most of our local and long distant phone calls have occurred with cell phones.

Good idea from that Toledo Talk thread:

For those using the land line as a "filter.

Checkout google phone. I've been using it since beta and it's free. You can even have it auto-forward calls to your cell (which I do). If you keep getting spam calls you can have google phone filter it to inbox rather than ring you or even give a "Number is not available".

My favorite part is that it will take voicemail, transcribe to text and send you an email of what was said.

#home - #technology - #mobile - #blog_jr

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