1 min

Summer Wheat - One Gallon Batch

Brooklyn Brew Shop

Ingredient mix or kit purchased from their website: Summer Wheat

Brooklyn Brew Shop - Summer Wheat Instructions

  • according to the website, this beer is suppose to have a 5.5% ABV.
  • brewed on Wed, May 14, 2014
    • we tasted some of the wort and the spent grains after the mash, and it tasted like a sweet oatmeal-type cereal. nice.
  • bottled on Jun 1
    • produced 9 bottles
    • still tasty during bottling
  • drank our first two bottles on Jun 14, and I liked it. Extremely carbonated to a fault. Opened bottle, then while bottle remained still on counter, bubbles rose, then more bobbles, then irruption from the sediment, then it foamed out the top for a while. fascinating to watch. unsure what's going on.
  • Jun 17 update: delicious beer, especially on a 90-degree day. opened and poured immediately but slowly in glass and all went well, carbonation-wise.


  • Since it was a kit, I'm unsure of the exact ingredients.
  • From the website:
    • "Summer Wheat is brewed with American white wheat and spicy hops"
    • "Malted barley and wheat blend, hops, and yeast"

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