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U.S. vs Portugal - Sun, Jun 22, 2014 - World Cup Soccer TV Ratings

Jun 24, 2014 - NY Times - Bigger Than Baseball: 25 Million Watch U.S.-Portugal World Cup Match - "TV Ratings in U.S.-Portugal Tie Show World Cup’s Draw"

With an audience of 25 million viewers for Sunday’s game between the United States and Portugal, the World Cup is moving into elite territory.

Ratings for the game were the highest for any soccer game telecast in America and reached more viewers than events like the N.B.A. finals or the World Series.

... the American audience for the World Cup game on Sunday easily eclipsed the N.B.A. finals this year, which averaged 15.5 million viewers, as well as the 2013 World Series, which averaged 14.9 million viewers.

The N.H.L. playoffs are not even remotely as popular as the World Cup, having averaged only five million viewers this season.

ESPN reported Monday that the game was its most-watched event outside of N.F.L. or college football. But it even rivaled the audience for the B.C.S. championship game on ESPN last January. That game averaged 25.7 million viewers, only counting the ESPN numbers. Sunday’s World Cup game peaked in viewership on ESPN at 7:30 p.m. when it reached almost 23 million viewers.

Also, as with all major sports events, the numbers do not accurately reflect viewers who watched the game in groups — in bars and other locations.

And watching a World Cup soccer match seems to be a major social event at bars or even at outdoor viewing areas.

Tiffin, Ohio event for June 22, 2014


Come and watch the U.S. team compete against Portugal on the "big screen". This event will take place on the Courthouse Lawn. Rain or shine. A tent will be placed on the lawn and can accommodate 100 viewers. Hosted by the Chamber and SIEDC. Special thanks to our Event sponsor, National Machinery, LLC.

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