TNA CBC - Dec 2002
(from one of my old blogs)
posted on Wednesday, December 18, 2002 @ 05:56 PM EST
On Sunday, 12-15-2, I particapated in the Toledo Naturalist's Christmas Bird Count. I arrived at Denny's in Rossford at 6:45 A.M. for the pre-kickoff breakfast. It's been many years since I have eaten at Denny's and I hope it's a long time before I'm back. Doesn't come close to the Freeway Diner in Oregon. Anyway, I went with the Matt Anderson group which started at Woodlawn Cementary. We saw a Cooper's Hawk there along with about 200 American Robins. It was a big day for Robins everywhere. We didn't see any winter finches that migrate from the north, such as Purple Finches, Pine Siskins, Redpolls, Crossbills. None were reported anywhere for the day. The Red-Breasted Nuthatch was also missed from the birdcount, I think. Anyway, we then went to Ottawa Park, where we saw a Great-horned Owl. We ate lunch on the east side, then headed to Bayshore. We got access to a restricted area, which provided great views of the lake, although there were almost no birds, which was unusual I guess.
After Bayshore, I split from the group and checked the densely wooded area behind Indian Hills grade school in Rossford, hoping to find a Yellow-rumped Warbler and/or a Golden-crowned Kinglet, but I saw neither. The compile occurred at the Spaghetti Warehouse. There were at least seven groups that canvased the area from Ottawa Park to Cedar Point Wildlife Refuge. The big birds seen: Long-eared Owl at Maumee Bay State Park, Yellow-rumped and Golden-crowned Kinglet at Pearson Park, Eastern Phoebe at Pearson and somewhere else, Northern Mockingbird at Wales and E. Broadway, Black-crowned Night Herons roosting in a tree at a private residence at 618 Arcadia St, between Detroit and Collingwood.
82 species of birds were observed. A White-crowned Sparrow was seen at Rossford Island View Park, along with about 200 Robins. Lapland Longspur was seen at the Knight Preserve between Rossford and P-burg. Species and counts will be mailed to me later.
From JR's : articles
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