You're viewing old version number 97. - Current version

5 min

Grebe API

Grebe is the name of a blogging app. This is Grebe's API description. It's currently used at

It uses REST and JSON.

Each function below is preceded with /api/v1 in the URI, so for Make Toledo, it would be

Example of activating a new user account:

Example of retrieving the posts that get displayed on the homepage at

At the moment, I don't have SSL enabled for, and OAuth is not used.

For GETs that require the user to be logged-in, the URI ends with the query string:

POST and PUT requests will also need the above name=value pairs encoded and sent to the API.


  • Create a new user account.
    POST request.
    Client sends JSON to the API:
    { "user_name" : "userA", "email" : "" }

  • Activate user account.
    GET request.

  • Login user.
    Post request.
    Client sends JSON to the API:
    { "email" : "", "password" : "plaintextpwd" }

  • Retrieve profile page info for user name JR.
    GET request.

  • Logout user JR.
    GET request.

  • Retrieve new password for existing account. User would not be logged in. This would be executed for someone who forgot or lost a password.
    POST request.
    Client sends JSON to the API:
    { "user_name" : "userA", "email" : "" }

  • Update password for existing account. User must be logged-in.
    PUT request.
    Client sends JSON to the API:
    { "old_password" : "oldpwdtext", "new_password" : "newpwdtxt", "verify_password" : "newpwdtxt", "user_name" : "userA", "user_id" : 123 }

  • Update e-mail and/or profile description for the user.
    PUT request.
    Client sends JSON to the API:
    { "user_name" : "userA", "user_id" : 123, "desc_markup" : "my profile page info for others to view.", "email" : "" }


  • Show stream of posts.
    GET request.
    To-Do: support

  • Retrieve single post.
    GET request.
    To-Do: support

  • Retrieve list of related posts.
    GET request.

  • Delete an post with ID number 5.

  • Undelete an post with ID number 5.

  • Create a new post.
    POST request.
    In addition to the name=value logged-in credentials listed above, the client sends the following JSON to the API:
    { "post_text" : "this is the post text." }
    Sample returned JSON:

  • Update post with ID number 5.
    PUT request
    In addition to the name=value logged-in credentials listed above, the client sends the following JSON to the API:
    { "post_id": "5", "post_digest": "ru48f9re39jf023jf", "post_text":"updated text"}


  • Show version list for post ID 5

  • Compare two post versions based upon their numeric post IDs. This example compares post post ID 1 and post ID 2


  • Show list of tags, sorted by name

  • Show list of tags, sorted by count

  • Show stream of posts for tag 'food.'
    OR /searches/tag/tagname


  • Search for the phrase "text string"

  • Retrieve page three of the search results for the phrase "text string"

  • Retrieve posts that contain mentions of both "Toledo" AND "Detroit"

  • Retrieve posts that contain either mentions of "pizza" OR "bread"

  • Retrieve posts with the tag "food"

  • Retrieve page three of the search results for tag "food"

  • Retrieve posts that contain the tags "beer" AND "cheese"

  • Retrieve posts that contain either the tags "fishing" OR "cycling"

Returned JSON

Created a new user account.




Updated password.


Created an article, note, or draft post.


Updated an article, note, or draft post.


Version list for a post.

{"author_name":"testuser1403714996","formatted_modified_date":"Jun 25, 2014","status":200,"version":"2","version_list":[{"version_date":"Jun 25, 2014","author_name":"testuser1403714996","version_time":"11:49:58 AM","version":"1","post_id":"122","uri_title":"20140625-16-49-58-this-will-be-the-post-title","edit_reason":null}],"description":"OK","post_id":"121","formatted_modified_time":"11:49:59 AM","title":"new UPDATED post text 2014-06-25 16:49:59","uri_title":"new-updated-post-text-20140625-16-49-59","edit_reason":null}

Version compare info.

{"top_version":{"author_id":"4","author_name":"testuser1403714996","markup_text":"# new UPDATED post text 2014-06-25 16:49:59\n\nhere is some more text.\n\ntags #grebe #blogging","formatted_text":"<p>here is some more text.</p>\n\n<p>tags <a href=\"/tag/grebe\">#grebe</a> <a href=\"/tag/blogging\">#blogging</a></p>\n\n","parent_id":"0","formatted_modified_time":"11:49:59 AM","post_id":"121","post_type":"article","edit_reason":null,"formatted_modified_date":"Jun 25, 2014","modified_date":"2014-06-25 16:49:59","version":"2","created_date":"2014-06-25 16:49:58","tags":"|grebe|blogging|","post_status":"o","post_digest":"gLeraLqPjeuJXIgFEicPkg","formatted_created_time":"11:49:58 AM","title":"new UPDATED post text 2014-06-25 16:49:59","formatted_created_date":"Jun 25, 2014","uri_title":"new-updated-post-text-20140625-16-49-59"},"status":200,"version_data":{"right_uri_title":"new-updated-post-text-20140625-16-49-59","right_time":"11:49:59 am","right_title":"new UPDATED post text 2014-06-25 16:49:59","left_version":"1","right_post_id":"121","right_version":"2","right_date":"Jun 25, 2014","left_parent_id":"121","left_post_id":"122","right_parent_id":"0","left_uri_title":"20140625-16-49-58-this-will-be-the-post-title","left_time":"11:49:58 am","left_title":"2014-06-25 16:49:58 this will be the post title","left_date":"Jun 25, 2014"},"description":"OK","compare_results":[{"left":"# 2014-06-25 16:49:58 this will be the post title","rightdiffclass":"changed","modindicator":"c","leftdiffclass":"changed","right":"# new UPDATED post text 2014-06-25 16:49:59"},{"left":"&nbsp;","rightdiffclass":"unmodified","modindicator":"u","leftdiffclass":"unmodified","right":"&nbsp;"},{"left":"here is the start of the body text","rightdiffclass":"unmodified","modindicator":"-","leftdiffclass":"removed","right":"&nbsp;"},{"left":"&nbsp;","rightdiffclass":"unmodified","modindicator":"-","leftdiffclass":"removed","right":"&nbsp;"},{"left":"here is some more text.","rightdiffclass":"unmodified","modindicator":"u","leftdiffclass":"unmodified","right":"here is some more text."},{"left":"&nbsp;","rightdiffclass":"unmodified","modindicator":"u","leftdiffclass":"unmodified","right":"&nbsp;"},{"left":"testin **markdown bolding**","rightdiffclass":"changed","modindicator":"c","leftdiffclass":"changed","right":"tags #grebe #blogging"},{"left":"&nbsp;","rightdiffclass":"unmodified","modindicator":"-","leftdiffclass":"removed","right":"&nbsp;"},{"left":"hashtag #test #perl","rightdiffclass":"unmodified","modindicator":"-","leftdiffclass":"removed","right":"&nbsp;"}]}

Deleted or Undeleted a post.


Get post for user who is not the author.

"status"                   :  200,
"description"              :  "OK",
"parent_id"                :  "0",
"post_id"               :  "9",
"title"                    :  "2014-05-02 15:13:57 this will be the title",
"uri_title"                :  "20140502-15-13-57-this-will-be-the-title",
"formatted_text"           :  "<p>here is the start of the body text</p>\n\n<p>here is some more text.</p>\n\n<p>testin <strong>markdown bolding</strong></p>\n\n<p>hashtag <a href=\"/tag/test\">#test</a> <a href=\"/tag/perl\">#perl</a></p>\n",
"author_name"              :  "testuser1398830044",
"created_date"             :  "2014-05-02 15:13:58",
"modified_date"            :  "2014-05-02 15:13:58",
"formatted_created_date"   :  "May 02, 2014"
"formatted_modified_date"  :  "May 02, 2014",
"reader_is_author"         :  0,
"post_status"           :  "o",
"post_type"             :  "a",
"related_posts_count"   :  2,
"version"                  :  "1",
"tags"                     :  "|test|perl|",

Stream of posts.

{"logged_in_user_id":0,"filter_by_author_name":null,"status":200,"posts":[{"tag_link_str":"<a href=\"/tag/fishing\">#fishing</a>  <a href=\"/tag/portage\">#portage</a>  <a href=\"/tag/river\">#river</a>","modified_date":"2014-07-18 14:08:33","formatted_text":"<p><small>(my Monday, November 18, 2002 blog post)</small></p>\n\n<p>I fished for about 90 minutes around midday in the same pool of the Portage river I was at a couple Saturdays ago, except there was no action today. Last time, I had a lot of tugs and slashes at my plastic worms, which kept me alert and encouraged. Today, there was none of that. I fished the Tifa Body Shad. It was sunny with air temps in the mid 30's.</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"/tag/fishing\">#fishing</a> - <a href=\"/tag/portage\">#portage</a> - <a href=\"/tag/river\">#river</a></p>\n\n","tags_exist":1,"user_name":"John","reader_is_author":0,"readingtime":0,"post_id":"118","post_type":"article","title":"Struckout on smallies in the Portage River - November 2002","uri_title":"struckout-on-smallies-in-the-portage-river-november-2002","formatted_date":"Jul 18, 2014"},{"tag_link_str":"<a href=\"/tag/fishing\">#fishing</a>  <a href=\"/tag/river\">#river</a>  <a href=\"/tag/portage\">#portage</a>","modified_date":"2014-07-08 23:57:45","formatted_text":"<p><small>(my Tuesday, November 12, 2002 blog post)</small></p>\n\n<p>This past Saturday afternoon (09-Nov-2002), I fished the Portage river between Elmore and Woodville. I waded a pool that was about 50 yards long. Since the rivers and streams in the area have been at late summer levels due to little rainfall in recent weeks, and since the temperatures were in the 60's, I decided to see if I could catch some Smallmouth bass. </p>\n\n","tags_exist":1,"more_text_exists":1,"user_name":"John","reader_is_author":0,"readingtime":0,"post_type":"article","post_id":"94","title":"Fishing the Portage river","uri_title":"fishing-the-portage-river","formatted_date":"Jul 08, 2014"}],"description":"OK","next_link_bool":0}

Tag list by sorted by count


Tag list sorted by name.


From JR's : articles
989 words - 12921 chars - 5 min read
created on
updated on - #
source - versions

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