1 min

Birding Stuff - nearby birding trip tips -

(my april 24, 2003 blog post)

I walked the boardwalk at Magee last Saturday afternoon with a guy I've seen on the tower in the past. He told me that he and a birding group always go to Hocking Hills on the last weekend of April. They bird the Shawnee Logan area. They walk/drive along Clear Creek Valley Road. He also told me that Swainson's Warblers can be seen at the New River Bridge area in West Virginia.

binoculars - Vic said there's a cheaper knockoff of the Cannon stabalizer binos. They are made by Newcon?? He saw them at Eagle Optics or at B&H Video. Anyway, these Newcons are 15 × 60 and have the stabalizer. They cost $650 new. Vic's Cannons were refurbs, which costed $650.

warbler peaks - Some peak times for spring warblers in Ohio: Yellow-rumps: May 5th, Magnolias: May 15th, Redstarts: May 25th. Probably coincides with the three main waves of passerines in May.

cormorant fall migration - Vic may start up a fall Cormorant migration project at Big Island Wildlife Area. Cormorant migration: Aug 20 - Oct 20, peak Oct 5. Most fly by BIWA between 8-10, with peak between 8:15 - 9:15 A.M. Where at BIWA? One mile due west of Rt 95 and 203. Gravel parking lot with mound. Need a north-wind day. Flight direction is typically northeast to southwest. They migrate in a 'V' formation. He said it would be nice to have an additional person counting about four miles to the west of this location.

whimbrel spring movement - May 22 - 25, after 4:00 P.M., sledding hill at Maumee Bay St. Park.


From JR's : articles
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