Eastern Screech Owl fly-by in our backyard
On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at about 1:00 p.m., I stood at our kitchen window watching the dozens of HOSP and the numerous MODO forage on our backyard, along with a few fox squirrels. Some SCJU were mixed in as well. Then all the birds suddenly left. Even the squirrels scampered.
I looked for a COHA or a RTHA to be nearby, but then I saw a small, chunky, tail-less bird fly low over our backyard, west to east, near our house. It took me a few seconds to figure out what it was, but my only conclusion was an Eastern Screech Owl.
I went outside to see if any birds followed or were hounding it, but I observed no such behavior. The squirrels were still perched up in the trees. The squirrels get nervous when the birds dash off in a mass panic.
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