Jul 25 2015 tt post
Why should voters get the blame or be called idiots when turnout this November will only be around 25 percent?
Why not blame the non-voters?
I'm guessing that around 45,000 votes will be cast in Toledo's mayoral election this November. The city's population is around 280,000 with approximately 180,000 to 190,000 registered/eligible voters.
20,000 votes may be enough to win Toledo's mayoral election this November.
If Carty wins, then I cannot blame his supporters who took the time to visit a voting precinct or to vote by mail.
What about the ~140,000 Toledoans who won't vote?
But I don't think that we can blame the non-voters either because they have other interests, and they don't care who is mayor.
Carty has not lost a mayoral election. He's 3-0.
If a candidate cannot defeat Carty in 2015, then that is not Carty's fault nor is it the fault of Carty's supporters.
If Carty wins, then maybe we should blame the losing candidates for failing to convince more non-voters to take an interest.
But in my opinion, the non-voters believe that politics is irrelevant to their personal lives.
Therefore, candidates have to battle for votes from the same roster of voters, and I assume that roster tilts in Carty's favor.
If my math is correct, then now is the time to convince 30,000 of the 140,000 non-voting Toledoans to vote this one time and to vote for Opal.
If Opal had any chance of winning a mayoral election, then this would be the year. It would have to be some kind of social media-based, crowd-sourcing event.
Opal as mayor might shake things up. It would only be for a couple years, since the next regularly-scheduled mayoral election is in the fall of 2017.
From JR's : articles
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