7 min

Vitamix and Blendtec comparisons

  • juicing
  • smoothies
  • soups
  • ice cream
  • grinding grains

To my ears, the Vitamix 5200 is noticeably less noisy than the Blendtec. I haven’t put a decibel meter to it, but it is definitely less noisy, even on the highest speed setting.

Thanks to the tamper tool, it takes less time to blend using a Vitamix than with a Blendtec so not only is the Vitamix quieter, you’ll spend less time in the morning listening to a blender motor running! Vitamix wins in the “noise” category!

Both the Vitamix and the Blendtec can make smoothies, nut butters, hot soup, frozen ice cream, crush ice and grind grains, though the Vitamix might be easier and more effective “out of the box” for things like ice cream, nut butters and grinding grains, as well as blending frozen ingredients – something the Blendtec WildSide pitcher doesn’t excel 100% of the time.

Both Blendtec and Vitamix are “designed and assembled” in the USA. What this means is that for the most part, the blenders are made in the USA, but some components might come from overseas. While Blendtec isn’t the most forthcoming about how much of their blender components are not from the USA, Vitamix clearly states on their blender base that it is “made in the USA with 70% minimum US content”.

Personally, I have used both blenders. However, I’ve come to prefer (and fall in love with) my Vitamix 5200. I’ve been using it more and more because it is quieter, takes less time to blend, and provides so much more control. And it doesn’t have the quirks that the Blendtec pitchers have.

But if you want to use the grinder for regular grain grinding then Vitamix will be a better investment for you.

Neither of the machines are juicers, so they don’t take out juices from fruits. But they do make wholefood juices. The difference is that a normal juicer separates the juice and the pulp from the food item, but these blenders make a paste of the food item which can be drank as a juice and thus there is no waste product. So drinking a juice without pulp would require you to strain the wholefood juice that you got from these blenders with a cloth.

As given above there is a difference in the power of both the blenders. Vitamix 5200 has less power than Blendtec, but this doesn’t mean that it has any limitations. There is nothing that can be blended in Blendtec and can’t be blended in Vitamix.

But there is a better range of controls that is available in Vitamix as the RPM range of the blender is 500 to 37,000; this is a good plus over Blendtec as you can’t run it in slower speeds.

None of these blenders is a good chopper, but due to slower speeds Vitamix gives better result while chopping.

As far as durability is concerned the Vitamix gives you a feel of industrial and heavy duty product due to its bigger size, but the feel of Blendtec s completely different as its lighter and has a smaller size.

Vitamix is a company which is in the business of making blenders from the past 70 years, but Blendtec has only been in this business for the past 6 years.

- Oh man, I love this thing! I'd started making fresh juices for myself by borrowing various juicers from friends for a week at a time. I tried a couple of centrifugal juicers, but there was a ton of waste. My dad bought a VitaMix and said it was terrific. Then, I was doing some freelance work for a creative group, and the president told me that she has been juicing for four years, using centrifugal and masticating juicers, but the VitaMix was THE ONE. She was getting rid of all her other juicers. That did it. I make fresh juice several times a day now. VitaMix uses the entire fruit or vegetable. You get all the fiber and no waste. Couldn't be happier.

- I work as a Nutritionist and I recommend to all of my clients to purchase a Vitamix. It is a fantastic way to meet your daily recommended amounts of RAW fruits and vegetables. I use my Vitamix everyday! I blend up "Green" smoothies ... I typically blend: Water, Spinach, Kale, Chard, cucumber, celery, carrot, tomato, banana and mixed berries. I also add 1/4 cup of raw nuts and 1-2 TBS of raw seeds for a boost of protein in the a.m. and the Vitamix blends it all up into a smooth texture!

- decided to start a green smoothie regime to incorporate more fruits and vegetables in my daily diet. My favorite breakfast is a banana, pear, kale mix ...


I tried a juice fast to jumpstart weightless earlier this year, and LOVED making fresh fruit and veggie smoothies in my blender, like some yummy detox smoothies, like this delicious Berry & Beet Detox Smoothie.

1 cup strawberries,
1 cup blueberries
1 cup raspberries
1 whole red beet
1 banana
1 handful of spinach
a handful of ice cubes
a splash of lemon juice
6 oz cold water
optional- diet drink mix (like slimfast, etc), vanilla protein powder or other supplement
Blend on low to start and then high after you notice that larger chunks have been chopped.

Ten Benefits of Beets

Beets are a super food, a super anti-oxidant that fights cancer and reduces inflammation.
Beets are good for working out. They improve blood flow, which increases endurance during a workout.
Beets purifies the blood and cleanses the liver.
Beets have been proven to lower blood pressure and reverse hypertension.
Beets help to deliver oxygen to the parts of your body that need it, even the brain.
Beets may have an aphrodisiac effect as they contain high amounts of boron, related to the production of sex hormones.
Beets are high in fiber, high in vitamin C and folic acid, and contain sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosperous!
Beets contain folic acid aids in physical healing, and is good for pregnant women.
Beets are good for your mental health, as they contain betain, which aids in depression.
Beets are the sweetest vegetable, high in good carbs, low in calories and give you the right kind of energy.

Red Beet Vitamix Smoothie with Kale, Apple, Orange, Berries in the Vitamix
Recipe type: Smoothie Cuisine: American
Serves: 2

Recipe for red beet smoothie with kale, apple, berries is super nutritious.
1 red beet
1 small apple including core
½ naval orange peeled
handful frozen berries
handful kale
¼ cup frozen pineapple (optional)
½ cup ice
½ cup iced water
Put all ingredients into vitmamix or similar machine. Start on slow and move up to high, using the muddler the machine comes with.

Servings: 4 (total of approx 16 ounces)


2 small beets
1 large apple
2 carrots
1 inch piece of ginger
1.5 – 2 cups of water

Scrub beets and carrots, cut off ends and chop into smaller pieces (2 inch or so).
Chop up apple and ginger (peel first).
Put all ingredients with water in Vitamix and blend for 30 seconds until well mixed. Or put produce through juicer.
Pour juice into glass with a few ice cubes. Give it a quick swirl and drink before the ice cubes melt!
Don’t toss your pulp!

If juicing, reserve the pulp.
If blending, use a strainer to separate juice from pulp. Try to remove as much moisture as possible.
Now, take the pulp and go make yourself some ridiculously healthy Beet & Carrot Cake Bites!!

As much as I LOVE my Vitamix, I have to remind myself that it is a blender and not a juicer. The Vitamix can’t pulverize denser fruits and vegetables to a “juice” like consistency.

No biggie. I simply strain the end product (after being processed in the Vitamix) and voila! Real veggie or fruit juice without the excessive pulp.

One problem solved. The new problem: What to do with all this pulp?
Why save your pulp?

Juicing fruits and vegetables separates the juice from the flesh, skin, and seeds (the parts with the most fiber). Proof: a medium-sized apple with skin intact contains 4.4 grams of fiber, BUT a cup of 100 percent pure apple juice only contains 0.5 grams of fiber! That’s enough motivation for me to experiment in the kitchen.

There are a few things you can do with leftover pulp, but THIS is MY favourite.

Green smoothies

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From JR's : articles
1427 words - 8995 chars - 7 min read
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import date 2013-08-12 21:51:58 - #
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