Search Results For “Tag:juncocode” - # - rss

JR: Junco HTML Templates - Junco Code - tags.tmpl Junco Code - microblogpost.tmpl Junco Code - header.tmpl - Nov 2013 Junco Code - footer.tmpl - Nov 2013 #junco #juncocode
- Apr 08, 2014

JR: Junco CSS - Junco - Code - junco.css - Nov 2013 Junco - Code - junco.css Junco - Code - splitscreen.css Junco - Code - junconightmode.css Junco.css - old version - 26Sep2013 Kestrel - Code - kestrel.css - old, previous code base, July 2013 #juncocode #junco
- Apr 08, 2014

JR: Junco Directory - Home directory for Junco-related code Junco To-Do List Junco Immediate To-Dos - hashtag juncotodo Junco Later To-Dos - hashtag todo_later Junco Resolved Items - hashtag resolved Junco Perl Modules Junco HTML Templates Junco CSS Junc... more>>
- Dec 04, 2013 - #juncocode

JR: Junco user actions - action - module - subroutine blogarchives - Archives - show_archives backlinks - Backlinks - show_backlinks addarticle - BlogAdd - add_blog_post blogpostform - BlogAdd - show_blog_post_form textileeditor - BlogAdd - show_textile_editor_form (texti... more>> 1 min read
- Nov 01, 2013 - #testing #junco #juncocode

JR: Junco theme development - junco.css - default junconightmode.css - dark background with light text (currently, not supporting different themes when typing with the enhanced view.) Parts of junco.css that need changed to support different colors: body: background color ... more>>
- Sep 30, 2013 - #css #juncocode #theme

JR: Junco REST JSON simple GET for a post - Retrieve basic information for a blog or microblog post: markup content created date modified date author name Maybe additional fields will be added later if necessary. A GET request is used to return the information in JSON format. Example URL... more>>
- Sep 20, 2013 - #juncocode #rest #json #api

JR: Junco Perl Modules - Junco Code - Junco Code - Junco Code - Junco Code - - Inside-Out Object Version #juncocode
- Aug 26, 2013

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