3 min
Occupy Toledo Info - 2011
(posted at ToledoTalk.com in October 2011.)
Web presence:
- http://occupytoledo.org
- http://twitter.com/occupytoledo
- http://www.facebook.com/occupytoledo
- http://twitpic.com/photos/OccupyToledo
- http://www.livestream.com/occupytoledo
- http://twitter.com/#!/search/realtime/%23OccupyToledo
- online donations
- Occupy Toledo formed on September 28, 2011.
- 29 people attended the first meeting on September 30.
- The Revolution Collective will host these events on Sunday, October 9:
- 12:00 p.m. - Sign-making party "Bring art supplies, poster board, and friends."
- 4:00 p.m. - Non-violent, civil disobedience training
- Occupy Toledo will gather at Levis Square in downtown Toledo at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, October 10.
- Question about tents used at Levis Square. Answer: "... we're not sure yet whether there will be problems with the tents but a bunch of us are planning to camp out."
- Day one, Mon, Oct 10, 2011:
- Day two, Tue, Oct 11, 2011:
- summary
- Morning photos
- At least 60 to 70 people attended the 7:00 p.m. GA.
- Proposal to be submitted to the parks department
- Occupy Toledo's Safer Space Policy
- Day three, Wed, Oct 12, 2011:
- summary
- 7pm GA notes
- Request - "Tarps, sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets are needed for Occupy Toledo. Drop them off at Woodchucks, Levis Square."
- Need - "extra grill or hot plate"
- Now livestreaming at times at http://www.livestream.com/occupytoledo
- Day four, Thu, Oct 13, 2011:
- summary
- Request - "We need writers, film makers, computer tech & social media people, internet & web people, bloggers, and general media involvement. If you are interested please meet on Saturday October 15 at 11am at the information booth at the Occupy Toledo site"
- 12:30 p.m. march "to One Govt. Center in solidarity for the rally against Issue 2."
- Afternoon images
- Day five, Fri, Oct 14, 2011:
- "Power has been shut off."
- Day six, Sat, Oct 15, 2011:
- 1pm GA notes
- potluck lunch picnic
- afternoon march from Levis Square to International Park for rally
- Facebook discussion about whether non-overnighters should have the same say as those staying overnight.
- Day seven Sun, Oct 16, 2011:
- 1pm GA notes
- approx 50 people attended the afternoon GA with "visitors from other occupations: occupy indy, cleveland, san jose california, philadelphia, and baltimore"
- Day eight, Mon, Oct 17, 2011:
- asking people to contact Toledo Mayor Mike Bell and request that he allow tents for those occupying Levis Square.
- request for charcoal, white gas, heavy coats, and blankets for warmth.
- Minutes and Proposal Documentation Template
Toledo Talk threads
- Occupy Toledo
- Occupy Toledo - photos from Oct 11, around 9am
- Occupy Toledo Day 2 - Assembly
- First the 99%'ers and then comes....
- Wall Street Corporate Thugs Attack Peaceful Demonstrators
- October 15 Global Day Of Action
- Occupy Toledo Day 4 at 3p
- Occupy Toledo Day 5
- Occupy Toledo Day 6
- Occupy Toledo Day 7 - A Request
- Occupy Toledo Day 9
- The Occupation Of Toledo Continues
- Toledo Still Under Occupation!!!!
Related elsewhere:
- http://occupywallst.org
- http://nycga.net
- http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution
- http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/occupy-wall-street
- http://twitter.com/YourAnonNews
- http://chat.indymedia.org
- http://occupytogether.org
- http://occupytogether.wikispot.org
- http://pastebin.com/trends
- http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23OccupyWallStreet
- http://twitter.com/#!/search/realtime/%23OccupyWallStreet
- http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=occupy+wall+street&aq=0z&oq=occup
- http://occupyweb.org/news.html
- http://nycga.net/forums
- http://www.occupytogether.com/forum/discussions
- http://themultitude.org/forum
- http://www.reddit.com/r/occupywallstreet
- http://occupywallst.org/forum
- http://www.occupyr.com
Articles and threads:
- The Occupy Portland Model - [ mirrored ]
- Occupy Handbook - 8 mb PDF file
- Revolution: a How-to from Anonymous to the Citizens of the World
- "troublesome city ordinances for #OccupyCleveland":http://neverconsideredformassproduction.tumblr.com/post/10784043151/troublesome-city-ordinances-for-occupycleveland
- How to Get a Permit for a Protest
- How To Protest and Not Get Arrested
- How Not To Get Arrested
- Proposed list of demands
- http://github.com/occupyhack/occupy-hack-wiki/wiki/Occupied-WSJ
Occupy Wall Street - OWS
- 578 words
- updated:
- versions
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