Resolved - Change how the code command works
finished on 6Aug2013 - still supports the code=yes command where the entire page is displayed within a read-only textarea box. and also supports the code./code.. so that multiple code fragments can be displayed within the same post of normal text.
began changing this in late June/early July 2013
[[Test post with the new code. and code.. commands]]
22jul2013 - need not to encode lt and gt symbols within code command
[ div class="codecolorer-container lua dawn" style="overflow:auto;white-space:nowrap;" ]
It's too limiting to only say code=yes.
Change to a starting and closing command syntax like with q. and q.. and with tmpl. and tmpl..
So the text within code. and code.. would be displayed either with the html code tag or within a textarea box.
The rest of the text in the post outside of code.-code.. would display as normal. This provides more functionality.
syntax highlighting
From JR's : articles
154 words - 1445 chars
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import date 2013-08-12 21:50:07
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