Search Results For “Tag:resolved” - # - rss

JR: Resolved - Add calc command to Junco code - This simply uses the Perl eval command to process an arithmetic string. Format: calc = arithmetic expression. After the eval is processed, the calc command is surrounded with brackets and included in the output. (5+3) / 2 = 4 440 * .4 = 176 ... more>>
- Apr 11, 2014 - #junco #resolved

JR: Resolved - Add keyboard shortcuts to split-screen typing mode - update 28mar2014 - added a few more: ctrl+J - bare display that shows only the single textarea box for writing. no border, no nav bar, no buttons, no links. ctrl+H - bare display per above except textarea box is only five lines tall. ctrl+D - chang... more>>
- Mar 28, 2014 - #inprogress #junco #resolved

JR: Kinglet web app to-dos - for perl client code on server, change action 'showmessage' to 'message.' in message db table, add one or more of the following columns: - last_message_date - last_message_author_name - last_message_id for the message that starts a new 'thread,' ... more>>
- Feb 11, 2014 - #kinglet #resolved

JR: JotHut Editing How-To - Microblog posts which are created by typing in the small window on the home page cannot be edited. Blog posts (long form posts) can be edited. If you need to edit a blog post, click the "EDIT" link at the top or bottom of the page when viewing the ... more>> 2 min read
- Oct 23, 2013 - #resolved #jothut #junco

JR: Reduce auto-save interval time - Currently, the auto-save frequency is every 300 seconds, provided a keystroke was press. Reduce to 150 seconds (2.5 minutes) OR Add new power command that works only for the enhanced writing area where an interval in seconds can be supplied. I... more>> 1 min read
- Oct 22, 2013 - #junco #resolved

JR: Commit to GitHub 22Oct2013 - completed on 22oct2013 [-] moved into production [X] commited to github [-] [X] junco.css [-] [X] splitscreen.js [-] [X] tagsfollowing.tmpl [-] [X] usersfollowing.tmpl [-] [X] topshelfblogheader.tmpl [-] [X] topshelfblog.tmpl [-] [X] stream.... more>>
- Oct 22, 2013 - #junco #github #resolved

JR: GitHub commits to do 17Oct2013 - completed on 17oct2013 a_signup.t b_login.t c_add_microblog.t d_add_blog.t #junco #resolved #github
- Oct 17, 2013

JR: Commit to GitHub 11Oct2013 - moved into production and committed github on 12Oct2013 - = moved into production X = committed to github t / Signup.t - change path to yaml file #junco #github #resolved
- Oct 12, 2013

JR: Commit to github - 10Oct2013 - completed on 10Oct2013 - = moved into production X = committed to github Change junconightmode.css [-] [X] junco.css [-] [X] splitscreen.css [-] [X] splitscreenform.tmpl [-] [X] header.tmpl [-] [X] footer.tmpl [-] [X] notloggedinheader.tmpl [-] [... more>>
- Oct 10, 2013 - #junco #resolved #github

JR: Resolved - Possible WebMention change - completed on 10Oct2013 - enabled hashtags in webmention posts to be auto-linked. maybe auto-link hashtags for webmention microblog posts like all other posts. #junco #resolved
- Oct 10, 2013

JR: Resolved - Fix CSS nav issue in IE 8 - Completed on 10Oct2013. Modified header.tmpl and junco.css. For browsers not supporting media queries, the search link appears in the nav bar on large screens instead of the search form. Also, needed to add to header.tmpl: !--[if lt IE 9] scri... more>>
- Oct 10, 2013 - #junco #resolved #css

JR: Correct any UTF-8 issues - resolved for now - 9oct2013 Modified the modules for creating and updating microblog and blog posts. Markup, however, now gets stored in HTML entities when the markup contains funky characters. I may change this later, so I added the todo_later has... more>>
- Oct 09, 2013 - #resolved #junco #todo_later

JR: Resolved - Add reading time to a post - Some of my posts now include an estimated reading time. I did this by taking the Liquid Filter, number_of_words andbased on a reading rate of 180wpmused other Liquid filters to convert it to an approximate reading time. A reading time on very short ... more>>
- Oct 08, 2013 - #junco #resolved

JR: Completed - Commit to github - 8Oct2013 - completed on 8oct2013 css / junco.css css / junconightmode.css javascript / meanmenu / meanmenu2.css header.tmpl blogpost.tmpl microblogpost.tmpl headermeanmenu.tmpl #junco ... more>>
- Oct 08, 2013 - #junco #github #resolved

JR: Completed - Commit to github - 7Oct2013 - completed on 7oct2013 [-] = moved into production [X] = committed to github modify junco.yml [-] [X] ADD "section" and "article" to valid_html line [-] [X] CREATE new line: max_replies_on_page and set value to 100 [-] [X] junco.css [-] [X] ... more>>
- Oct 08, 2013 - #github #resolved #junco

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