1 min

Junco user actions

action - module - subroutine

blogarchives - Archives - show_archives

backlinks - Backlinks - show_backlinks

addarticle - BlogAdd - add_blog_post
blogpostform - BlogAdd - show_blog_post_form
textileeditor - BlogAdd - show_textile_editor_form (textile live preview editor disabled)
splitscreen - BlogAdd - show_splitscreen_form

blogpost - BlogDisplay - show_blog_post
b - BlogDisplay - show_blog_post

edit - BlogEdit - edit_blog_post
splitscreenedit - BlogEdit - splitscreen_edit
textileeditoredit - BlogEdit - textile_editor_edit (textile live preview editor disabled)

deleteblog - BlogDelete - delete_blog

undeleteblog - BlogUndelete - undelete_blog

updateblog - BlogUpdate - update_blog_post

versions - BlogVersions - show_version_list

compare - BlogCompare - compare_versions

source - BlogSource - show_blog_source

relatedblogposts - BlogRelated - show_related_blog_posts

follow - Following - follow_user
followtag - Following - follow_tag
following - Following - show_following
followedby - Following - show_followed_by (disabled)
unfollow - Following - unfollow_user
unfollowtag - Following - unfollow_tag
followingstream - Following - show_following_stream

showerror - Function - do_invalid_function

loginform - Login - show_login_form
login - Login - login

logout - Logout - logout

addmicroblog - Microblog - add_microblog
deletemicroblog - Microblog - delete_microblog
undeletemicroblog - Microblog - undelete_microblog
microblogpost - Microblog - show_microblog_post
m - Microblog - show_microblog_post

changepassword - Password - change_password
newpassword - Password - create_new_password

user - Profile - show_user

rss - RSS - get_rss

search - Search - search
searchform - Search - display_search_form
tag - Search - tag_search
tags - Search - show_tags
tagscounts - Search - show_tags_by_counts
tagscountstop - Search - show_tags_by_top_counts

blog - Stream - show_blog_stream
stream - Stream - show_entire_stream
microblog - Stream - show_microblog_stream
blogarchivepage - Stream - show_archives_month_year
private - Stream - show_private_blog_stream
draft - Stream - show_draft_blog_stream

signup - Signup - show_signup_form
createnewuser - Signup - create_new_user
acct - Signup - activate_account

settings - UserSettings - show_user_settings_form
customizeuser - UserSettings - customize_user
savedchanges - UserSettings - show_user_changes

reply - Reply - show_reply_form
addreply - Reply - add_reply
replies - Reply - show_replies
repliesstream - Reply - show_replies_stream

rest - Rest - do_rest

post - ShowContent - show_content
p - ShowContent - show_content

textsize - TextSize - set_text_size

theme - Theme - set_theme

webmention - WebMention - post_webmention

#testing - #junco - #juncocode

From JR's : articles
351 words - 2935 chars - 1 min read
created on
updated on - #
source - versions - backlinks

Related articles
Testing the new insta command - May 17, 2016
Testing fenced code block commands - Sep 23, 2014
This is a test: with the colon punct in the title - Jul 16, 2014
Junco HTML Templates - Apr 08, 2014

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current date: Apr 29, 2024 - 2:52 a.m. EDT