You're viewing old version number 62. - Current version
Kinglet API
Each function is preceded with /api/v1
Each URI ends with a query string /?user_name=[user_name]&user_id=[user_id]&session_id=[session_id
example displaying message number 5:
GET /api/v1/messages/5/ru8er03jjg3k40vjl09/23/JR
[X] GET /messages
- homepage. stream. messages created by or sent to the logged in user.
[X] GET /messages/page/3
- page three of the stream.
[X] GET /messages/since/[date]
- for the logged-in user, get all new messages received since the supplied date, which is in epoch seconds.
[X] GET /messages/5
- retrieve message 5.
[X] POST /messages
- create a new message.
[X] GET /messages/5/replies
- retrieve all reply messages for message 5.
[X] POST /messages/5/replies
- create a reply message to message 5.
[X] GET /messages/threads
- list the messages that start new discussions.
# = URI ends with a query string /?user_name=[user_name]&user_id=[user_id]&session_id=[session_id
[X] GET /users/JR
- retrieve user info for user name JR. #
[X] POST /users
- create a new user account.
[X] GET /users/activate/[user_digest]
- activate user account
[X] GET /users/JR/logout
- logout user JR. #
[X] POST /users/login
- login user.
[X] POST /users/password
- retrieve new password for existing account. user would not be logged in. this would be executed for someone who forgot or lost password.
[X] PUT /users/password
- change password for existing account. user must be logged-in. #
[X] PUT /users
- update e-mail and/or profile description for the user #
User actions:
- X create account
- X activate account
- login
- logout
- change password
- change e-mail and profile description
- request new password
- retrieve user profile info
Message actions:
- get user's stream of all messages (sent and received)
- get user's new messages received since supplied date
- get single message
- create a new message
- retrieve all replies for a message
- create a reply to a particular message
- list the new messages that start a discussion thread
Returned JSON
Create New User Account
"status" : 201,
"user_id" : "9",
"user_name" : "1389906958",
"password" : "khd7vj4m",
"email" : "",
"user_digest" : "p7X4CwwLSuqD2bjYIATcw",
"description" : "Created"
Logging in
"status" :200,
"user_id" :"17",
"user_name" :"kinglettest1389911089",
"session_id" :"LUb83Dw38nnqMOI47NVZw"
#kinglet - #api - #programming
From JR's : articles
356 words - 2470 chars
- 1 min read
created on
updated on
- #
- versions
Related articles becomes in sep 2016 - Sep 21, 2016
Web-based publishing platforms that I've created - Mar 03, 2015
Reuters' former Next Web system - Sep 19, 2013
Kinglet User and Programmer Documentation - Mar 19, 2014
Short list of REST API info - Jan 13, 2017
more >>