2 min

Comparing Toledo's winters 2011-2012 and 2013-2014

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Two extremes. The mildest and least snowiest versus the coldest and snowiest winters that I've experienced, living in northwest Ohio for 24 years.

Blade story

Toledo City Council will review today another bill the city has to pay following one of the harshest winters in memory. The Collins administration is asking council to approve an additional $3.9 million for the city’s streets, bridges, and harbor division’s 2014 assessed operating budget for snow and ice control.

The $3.9 million would include $2.2 million for salt; $500,000 for base labor; $500,000 for overtime, and $700,000 for services.

“This was an unprecedented winter,” said Councilman Lindsay Webb. “We don’t have a choice. We must replenish our salt, pay our contractors, and prepare for the winter ahead. Citizens can expect an increase in assessments two years from now of around 50 cents a front foot on the tax duplicate.”

In my opinion, Toledo's winter of 2011-2012 was unprecedented for it's mild temps and lack of snow. It was probably the warmest and least snowiest winter that I've ever experienced. Many days in January 2012 did not require a coat. February 2012 continued to be mild.

March 2012 broke multiple Toledo weather records. It was the warmest March on record for Toledo, which averaged 13.3 degrees warmer than normal. For 15 straight days starting March 11, the high temperature in Toledo exceeded 60 degrees, which broke a record. On March 21, 2012, Toledo had the warmest March day in its history when it reached 85 degrees.

Toledo Express Snowfall
Month Year Actual Ave
Dec - 2011 - 3.3 - 7.4
Jan - 2012 - 6.7 - 11.6
Feb - 2012 - 5.4 - 9.6
Since 1 July snowfall - 16.8 - 30.3
Mar - 2012 - 3.7 - 5.7
Since 1 July snowfall - 20.8 - 36.2

Toledo Express Heating Degree Days
Month Year Actual Ave
Dec - 2011 - 916 - 1092
Jan - 2012 - 1070 - 1227
Feb - 2012 - 922 - 1061
Mar - 2012 - 445 - 850

Dec 2013 - actual - ave
Month to date heating degree days - 1151 - 1092
Month to date snowfall 11.2 - 7.4

Jan 2014 - actual - ave
Month to date heating degree days - 1510 - 1227
Month to date snowfall - 40.2 - 11.6

Feb 2014 - actual - ave
Month to date heating degree days - 1317 -1028
Month to date snowfall - 21.6 - 9.4

Mar 2014 - actual - ave (through of Mar 17)
Month to date heating degree days - 688 - 511
Month to date snowfall - 11.3 - 3.8

#toledo - #weather

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443 words - 2523 chars - 2 min read
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