Resolved - Change name of Web app from Kestrel to something else
going with the name Junco
Kestrel software already exists.
Kestrel (previously known as Scarling) is a light-weight persistent message queue server written in Scala that speaks the memcached protocol. It was originally developed by Twitter and is a port of Starling, which is written in Ruby.Twitter started using Starling in the spring of 2007, and continued using it as the primary message queue server until sometime in 2008, when it was replaced for internal usage by Scarling. Scarling was renamed to Kestrel in November 2008
Will continue to use the kestrel hashtag for a while, at least until I've migrated to a permenant home. May not remove the kestrel hashtag. It will remain for historical purposes.
The second version of Toledo Talk code was called Parula. I'd like this code to be bird-related too.
Possible name changes in order of favorite to least favorite
- Junco
- Scaup
- Grebe
- Kinglet
- Veery
- Gnatcatcher
- Mergus
- Merganser
- Killdeer
- Coot
June 27, 2013 - changed tags, blog post titles, etc within content that referenced "kestrel" to "junco." microblog posts cannot be edited, so some kestrel tags will remain. have not made changes within source code. just within the content created with the app.
#junco <-- changed main app-reference tag from "kestrel" to "junco" on 27June2013
From JR's : articles
214 words - 1389 chars
- 1 min read
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import date 2013-08-12 21:50:28
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